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Team FLME exits the guest house of the BIC. In the driveway are Leia's parents and Taiyang and Yang. While Leia is talking to her parents, Ember and May are loading the orange sports car and Fred is talking with Tai and Yang.

Taiyang: You don't have to track down my daughter.

Fred: We know. But if the situation in Mistral is just as dire there, I want to make sure my parents are safe.

Yang: I'm going to miss you.

Fred: I'm going to miss you too.

Fred and Yang rub their noses together and give one another a peck on the lips. Ember walks over and pats Fred on the back.

Ember: We're ready to roll. You?

Fred looks at Yang which she smiles at him.

Yang: Well?

Fred: Yeah. (To Ember) Yeah, lets go.

Fred and Yang separate and Fred gets driver's seat of the car. The rest of the team gets in and the car drives off. As Maximillion and Cream leave, Taiyang and Yang look to see the car drive off.

Taiyang: He'll be fine, Yang.

Yang: I know. I'm still gonna be worried.

Taiyang: We all are.


(A/N) First half of Volume 4 of Team FLME has occurred at this point.

Two months after the departure, Team FLME enters Amber Square. After fights with an assassin and several Grimm along the way, the team finally makes it to Ignis Family Home.

Evie: Oh, my babies!

Evie Ignis embraces her sons while her husband, Mason, stands by and watches.

Ember: Mom! Seriously!

Evie: I'm just happy to have my boys home.

Mason: That makes two of us.

Fred: Thanks, Mom. Dad.

Evie: And your friends?

Fred: Oh, right.

Leia: Leia Burns, BIC Heiress.

May: May Fumi. Daughter of Governor March Fumi.

Mason: Pleasure is all ours.

The group sits down in the kitchen to talk.

Mason: So, let me get this straight. You four took of in a car that Ember bought when they moved to Vale and destroyed it-

Ember: Damaged! Damaged it!

Mason: That he bought, drove through Sanus and Anima. Helped several villages along the way. Car was destroyed in an attack by pirates who turned out to be your (Points to May) parents. Therefore, you four go with this man to Menagerie, save a town, come back, go to Sol. Get attacked by a mad man named Damson only to come here afterwards to rest up. You plan to leave soon to get to Mistral to met with old friends from Beacon and join them on taking down whoever attacked Beacon and to return the girl to her family back in Vale.

Ember: That's the jest of it, yeah.

Mason: Not even going to begin asking where the logic is.

Ember: 140 miles back.

Mason: Of course it is.

Evie: That's, not important. What is import is that you are here and safe and secure-

Mason: And I will deal with the "assassin" issue.

Fred: (rolls eyes.) Dad!

Mason: No. You said you and your brother, not to mention your team were brutally assaulted by a mad man. Not to mention, targeted you specifically.

Fred: Dad, it was properly some homeless guy who was desperate for money.

May: Yeah, who kicked our butts.

Ember: Eh, he wasn't that tough.

May: Didn't he throw through like, 5 walls.

Ember: No. It was 4 at most. Maybe 5.

Mason: Well, I'll start up a formal investigation with Ignis PI and-

Fred: Dad!

Mason: No. Someone attacked you, and your friends. He assaulted and attempted murder. And I'm not gonna let a wondering murderer wonder around my kingdom.

Fred: You ever think you're doing this because it was your kids who were attacked?

Mason: Nope.

Fred: Sure.

Evie: Avoiding the... potential, confrontation. Room arrangements. I guess the boys can have their rooms again while the girls can take Issac's old room and the guest room. Ok?

May: Sounds fine.

Leia: Thank you, Mrs. Ignis.

Evie: Anytime dear. Now, your father and I will prepare the rooms for you all while you can discuss this 'Damson' character, privately.

Mason: Ok, ok. I'm taking the hit. You four stay safe. Don't do anything stupid. And boys, remember-

Fred and Ember: House rules. Got it.

Mason: Ok ok.

The two adults walk upstairs, leaving FLME downstairs.

May: Your parents are awesome.

Ember: We know.


Inside Fred's room, Fred is sitting on a window ledge, starring outside. The rest of the team enters and joins him.

May: You doing ok?

Fred: Yeah.

Leia: Worried about her?

Fred: Of course I am. It's been two months since we've left.

Ember: You want to go back?

Fred: ...No. We've come to far for us to turn back now.

May: You sure?

Fred: Yeah. Come on, let's get some rest.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now