Murder Spree

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Inside Amity Arena, Ironwood and Lavenza glare at one another, anger in their eyes. Ironwood is the first to shoot, aiming for Lavenza's shoulder. Lavenza extends his bayonet down towards Ironwood's throat, but the general grabs the blade and throws Lavenza off of him. Ironwood grabs his scroll and presses a button and the roulettes emerge for the arena. Ironwood stands up as a building now raises him up on a pipe.

Lavenza glares and looks up at him. He walks over to a slowly emerging ladder and steps onto it. Both men stand atop the same rooftop, looking at one another.

Ironwood: We don't have to do this, Lavenza. Whatever happened to that drive of yours?

Lavenza: Oh, yes. Because it doesn't align with your ideals.

Ironwood: Would you just listen to reason and-

Lavenza lunged up and cut several bits of the pipe that Ironwood was standing on, causing the General to leap back to avoid the attacks. As Lavenza keeps slashing, Ironwood keeps stepping back, trying to avoid the hits. Lavenza lunges forward and slams his blade against Ironwood's metal arm.


Lavenza pushes down and slashes past Ironwood's arm. Lavenza continues to slash away at Ironwood's clothing, with the General blocking each strike the best way he can. Lavenza thrusts across Ironwood's chest, cutting some of his clothes some more. Ironwood grabs his wrist and bends Volt's arm backward. Ironwood headbutts Lavenza and punches him in the chest. Lavenza places his foot on Ironwood's stomach and backflips to get out of the hold.

The two of them began to fire towards one another, pushing the other's guns away to keep distracting the other. After a few more shots here and there, Lavenza b-twists around Ironwood and extends his blade again to try and attack James. Ironwood grabbed the blade with his metal arm and kicked Lavenza back and off of the building they were on.

Ironwood leaps down and tries to stomp on Lavenza. Lavenza leaps back and dashes forward and tries to stab Ironwood again. Ironwood dodges and tries to shoot Lavenza in the back of the head. Volt ducks and kicks upward to attack James again. Ironwood is kicked in the chin and stumbles a bit. Lavenza flips and tries to kick Ironwood again but he fails and goes in for another slash.

Like before, Ironwood grabs his wrist and punches Volt in the stomach twice before uppercutting him.

Ironwood: I gave you everything! I gave each of you everything I could! Arthur, Vincent, YOU! And this is what logic leaves you?!

Lavenza: You know where your "gifts" lead us?! Insanity! A broken marriage! Bastard peers! And you still threw your lot in with the rest of them!!!

Lavenza shoots again, hitting Ironwood in the leg. Ironwood shoots back as the two men continue to exchange shots at one another. Ironwood takes out a second pistol and adds to the carnage. Volt runs into cover and cracks his neck.

Ironwood slowly walks over to where Volt took cover. He takes a deep breath and moves and takes aim. However, Lavenza is gone. Ironwood takes a few steps until he hears beeping. He looks down at sees a small mine has been placed. The bomb explodes and Ironwood is blasted back into a stone wall. Behind him, Lavenza's blade stabs through his metal arm. Ironwood winces and steps away and kicks through the wall.

Lavenza lands on the ground and coughs from the dust and rubble. Ironwood leaps down and begins to punch Volt in the face, over and over again. After three punches, Volt grabs Ironwood's wrist and headbutts him. Lavenza rolls back as Ironwood gets back to his feet, both auras shimmering a bit.

Lavenza: You abandoned us, James. Your own pride killed you.

Ironwood: My pride?! You joined them! You set up the fall of your own kingdom!

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