Rallying Forces

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Around Vytal Base, several airships land down with countless people unloading. Some sea ships are also built and are along the ports, all loaded with heavy cannons and armaments. Along the docks, Ghira Belladonna along with Kali, Ilia, Sun Wukong, and Neptune all stand, coordinating efforts with different people. Up on a wall overseeing everyone is Ironwood with Qrow, Glynda, Mason, and now Theodore. Ironwood pulls back from the docks and looks behind them all.

Along the ground are several mechs, Atlas and Vale soldiers, armed militia, engineers, and countless civilians. Qrow looks up as he hears engines roaring and sees an entire civilian fleet fly overhead, escorting larger Atlas vessels. Qrow turns his head back down and looks at Mason and Ironwood.

Qrow: Really think this isn't going all out?

Ironwood: We have more in reserves.

Qrow: A little much, don't you think?

Ironwood: We have to be ready.

Theodore: Especially if enact the paracasual plan.

The group all turned to Theodore. He nodded once. Mason sighed a little and leaned back against a railing. He looks over to Theo and Ironwood and growls a little to get their attention.

Mason: Listen. If we go through with the nuclear option, I don't know how many people are going to survive. It may just be best if we forgo it altogether. We can't have that many lives on ourselves.

Glynda: If you think about it, we essentially do already.

Mason: I would rather not.

The group looked out across their army, seeing troops move into position, guns at the ready and getting some training done.


Ozpin's voice speaks from the nothingness just as Oscar begins regaining consciousness.

Ozpin: Oscar? Don't panic. We're going to be okay.

Oscar is looking at his feet, which are hovering above the ground.

Oscar: Uh, what?

Oscar looks up to see fleshy walls, bone spikes, a bone staircase, and a membrane door. Standing in the shadows of the doorway is Salem with a cloud of smoke hovering above her hand.

Salem: My long-lost Ozma, found at last.

The smoke forms shapes of her daughters, all running in a circle and giggling. As Salem turns her head to look at Oscar, the smoke dissipates. Oscar's eyes widen, and he looks around and begins struggling. The Hound is holding him in the air by the back of his coat's collar. Salem walks over to him.

Salem: So small, this new host of yours. It's a wonder my Hound didn't break you. It's been how many years since we saw each other like this, face to face? And nothing to say?

Oscar adopts Ozpin's speaking mannerisms as he responds to her.

Oscar: I'm sorry the reunion isn't living up to your expectations.

Salem suddenly grabs Oscar's face, her own face wrinkling slightly with a furious glare.

Salem: You can pretend, boy, but you're not fully him. Not yet, at least.

She relaxes and lets go of him with a sigh.

Salem: Well, perhaps you and I can have a better working relationship. Oscar, was it?

She begins walking around The Hound.

Salem: The Beacon Relic. My forces have been unable to locate the Relic beneath the school. If I know my Ozma, he has used some means of deception to hide its location differently than the others.

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