Getting to Know You

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In Oobleck's classroom, Fed is sitting in his usual set, writing down notes for future chapters. Suddenly, Yang sits down besides him and smiles at him.

Fred: Uh-hi?

Yang: Hey. How you doing?

Fred: Fine. (He returns to his notes) Why are you here?

Yang: What, I can't sit here?

Fred: What? N-no. That's not the issue. I mean-don't you want to join your team?

Yang: They can manage without me for a while.

Fred: Okay?

Yang: So, what are we learning today?

Fred: He'll tell us.

Yang: I meant for the tutoring later today.

Fred: Oh, right. Well, let's just see on what we have for today.

Yang: Gotcha, Tough Guy.

Fred: Please don't call me that.

Oobleck Settle down, students. Settle down. As instructed earlier this week, we will be having a project, due and present by next week. Please, select you partners now. No more than two to a project.

Yang: So, partner. Ready?

Fred: Whoa-I mean.

Fred looks around him to see others forming pairs. Ruby and Weiss, Pyrrha and Blake. He looks up behind him to see the rest of his team sitting down, leaving him and Yang the whole row. Leia and May grasp one another hands, showing their partnership. Fred looks to Ember which the latter smirks and tabs Jaune on the shoulder.

Ember: Partner?

Jaune: Sure!

Fred sighs and looks back to Yang.

Fred: Partners.

Yang: Good. This project will go out with a Yang! Ha, Fred?

Fred: No, just-no.

Yang: yeah, yeah. Whatever, Tough Guy.

Fred: Please stop.


Later in the cafeteria, Leia, May and Ember join teams RWBY and JNPR in eating. As they are consuming their food, they hear a laughing from behind them. They all turn around and see Team CRDL once again, picking on Velvet. The group turns back to their table.

Ruby: Poor Velvet.

May: Believe me, those pulls heart more than you think.

Ember wraps an arm around May and pulls her closer to comfort her.

Leia: Someone should at least do something.

Nora: Break his leg-

Jaune: Nora! No!

Ember looks to his right and sees Fred walking up to the group.

Ember: 25 Lien says Cardin Winchester walks out of here with a black eye or a broken nose.

Ren: Why?

Yang: Seconded that.

Ember: Ladies and Gentlemen of RWBY, JNPR, and FLME. Frederic Scorch vs Bullies.

Fred reaches his new group of friends. He places his tray in one hand as he passes Velvet. When he is about to pass Cardin, Fred throws a punch and hits Cardin in the face, knocking him out cold. Everyone looks at Fred as he places his food between Leia and Yang again and face Ember. Fred doesn't say a word and just eats his food.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now