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Team RWBY stares angrily at Ozpin, all beyond pissed. Fred stands away from the group, head down and hand on his chin. Ember is still in shock while May and Leia have neutral looks to them.

Ozpin: I—

Yang: (enraged) There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!

Oz doesn't say anything, he just hangs his head back down in shame.

Ruby: Professor... (Oz looks up at her) What is your plan to defeat Salem?

Ozpin: I... don't have one...

Suddenly, Qrow punches Ozpin in the face, sending him into a nearby tree trunk.

Qrow: No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...

Ozpin: (tearfully) But, you are!

Qrow: Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life...

Oz stares back in disbelief upon hearing Qrow say that, before looking down dejected.

Ozpin: Maybe you're right...

Fred: No! (Everyone looks to Fred as he walks up between Ozpin and Qrow) We've all done bad things. We've all lied at some point. Although some instances are better than others (he glances back to Ozpin) we've still done it. (Points at Qrow) And that shouldn't negate ALL the good you've done either! Hell, if it wasn't for you (points to Ruby and Yang) they be dead! Hell, if it wasn't for you and sister, one wouldn't even exist!

Everyone still stands around in a bit of shock at the defense.

Weiss: So, you're willingly defending a lair?!

Fred: I'm defending a 14 year old kid from a drunk! Be mad at Oz all you want, but don't take it out on the kid! He's NOT Ozpin! He is Oscar Pine! The same as I am not Primus, I am Frederic Scorch, or any of my ancestors! (Fred looks around) We gotta get a move on! Argus is about 100 miles north and this place freezes over during the winter months. Our auras are already being drained from climate control so I wont be able to produce much fire! And I prefer not to freeze to death. So, grab what you can. Food and ammo needs to be a priority. Let's move it!

Yang: Oh, yeah, who made you the boss? Ozpin?!

Fred: (Sighs) I want this party to live. Survival is our top priority. And if that means I need to take the reigns from a drunk and a man everyone but me has lost faith in then so be it! Besides, at least I know someone won't go berserk all because one little insignificant thing is not her way!

Yang: Are you...talking about me?

Fred: Geh, you read my mind. It's almost like it was too obvious for you.

Yang: Is that how you want to play it?

Fred: Oh...wow. You're going around and blaming people for this mission when in fact, if YOU didn't stop be from bringing Raven back into the vault, sealing away the relic and closing the vaults doors, this mission wouldn't even exist! So, you tell me when you're going to stop being such a self-centered, hypocritical, arrogant, and narcissistic little-

Yang reels back but then grows in aggression and launches herself forward and throws a punch at Fred. He turns around and grabs her fist, some of his Guardian Armor formed along it.

Fred: So, I call it as is, and you assault me. (He pushes Yang to the ground) We're done!

Fred walks away. Oscar resumes control of his body.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now