To Atlas and Away

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The following morning was a bit of a hectic trek to handle. With over 16 people roaming around in a single three story house and bags flying everywhere and just the utter chaos that was trying to back to head out of Argus and to Atlas. Breakfast was made, eaten and cleaned in about 30 minutes. Clothes and weapons were packed and ready to launch to the city of ice and snow. Finally, everyone was packed and ready to move out.

The gang all moved out, more jokes and more stories to one another and whatnot. Fred and Yang were the ones who stayed in the back since they had nothing to offer the discussion ahead. That and Fred and Yang were still reeling from their trauma therapy.

Yang: Feeling any better?

Fred: Yeah. I feel fine.

Yang: I meant up here. (Points to her head)

Fred: Uh...debatable. Debatable at best.

Yang: You know, I could ask Weiss to get us a therapist while we are up in Atlas.

Fred: Well yeah, but how long are we going to be up in Atlas. You guys said it yourselves. Ditch the lamp then we're done. You're done.

Yang takes Fred hand with her own. He looks down at her and she smiles brightly up at him.

Yang: WE are not done until Salem's down. And you can bet on that!

Yang gives Fred another reassuring smile. He slowly begins to smile back and the two just gaze into each other's eyes.

Ruby: YANG! Stop being weird! Come on! The ship will be leaving soon!

Yang: You know Ruby, sometimes speed isn't a good thing. (Whispering to Fred) She and Oscar will be learning that soon.

Fred: Oh my-YANG!

Yang laughed.

Ruby: Ew! Yang why would you-

Yang: I'll show you why! Get over here!

Ruby laughed and ran ahead as Yang chased her.

Qrow: Girls! Behave yourselves!

Qrow began to run after them. As everyone else laughed, Fred stayed silent as Yang's statement from earlier. As he was thinking about it, he sighed.

Fred: (To himself) How long though? How long will you believe that idea will be around. (Thinking) If she took less than 3 weeks to completely give up, then what's to say she will believe that idea for the rest of the war.

Fred remained in this ideal for a bit longer. But for now, that was not his priority. The group reached the Argus Base and Cordovin was standing waiting for them.

Cordovin: Well...are you all ready?

Fred: (Looks around and nods) Yes Ma'am.

Cordovin: Follow me then. This is where you need to say goodbye.

Everyone turned back to Jaune and his family.

Oscar: I'll, uh, I'll go on the ship with Fred. Right?

Fred: Yeah. How about we...give them some more time.

FLME nods as does RWBY. They walk off as Jaune and Saphron turn to one another.

Jaune: I guess...this is it.

Saphron: Yeah. I'm...I'm so proud of you. And I know Mom and Dad are too. (Hugs Jaune) Thanks for being the best baby brother alive.

Jaune is slightly annoyed but melts into the hug as well. He smiles and keeps his sister locked in place for a little while.

Jaune: (Softly) Don't let go.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now