New Fears

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Yang is standing upon darkness and rumble. As she is walking, she passes by dead Atlesian soldiers and even some teachers. She keeps walking and sees the dead bodies of Leia, May and Ember on the ground, bleeding. She gasps and runs to them. She crouches down by Ember. Suddenly, he lunges up and grabs her metal arm.

Ember: Save him.

Ember falls back down and dies. Yang backs away and sees Fred fighting Adam. Fred flips over Adam and kicks at his side. Adam blocks with Blush and thrusts Wilt at Fred. Fred blocks the attack but is kicked away by Adam. Yang runs up and punches at Adam. However, her attacks go through him and he leaps over her and stabs Fred, killing him. She gasps and backs up.

She hits a person's chest and turns around to see Fred standing there in his outfit from Beacon. She looks and sees she has both flesh arms and embraces Fred.

Yang: Fred? Oh, gosh! I thought I lost you!

Fred shoves Yang away and looks at her with hate.

Yang: Fred?

Fred: How? HOW? You attacked him! He was innocent!

Yang: What? I thought you believed me?!

Fred: Believe you? It's hard enough to try to love you!

Yang: Fred?

Fred: I hate you.

Yang stands still as Fred kicks her away. When she lands, Adam, Mercury, Neo and Roman Torchwick are standing over her.

Roman: Hey, Sunshine! How you doing?

She crawls away while still on the ground. All four prepare to attack and when they do, she shields herself.

Yang shoots her head up, panting, scared for her life. She awakens in her room in Patch from having a nightmare. As she is panting, Fred wraps his arms around her and begins to stroke her hair.

Fred: Sshh. It's ok. It's just me. You just had a bad dream. That's all.

Yang wraps her arms around Fred and sops into his shirt.

Yang: I'm sorry.

Fred: Sh. It's ok. ...I did something horrible to you in that dream?

Yang: Mhm.

Fred: I'm sorry. But I'm here now. (Whispers) Hey. I'm gonna stay here all night and be here when you wake up.

Yang: Promise?

Fred nuzzles down to Yang's neck and kisses it.

Fred: Promise.

Fred and Yang lie back down on the bed and Fred wraps his arms and legs around Yang and kisses her cheek.

Fred: I love you. So much, Beautiful.

Yang: ...I love you too, Tough Guy.

Fred: That's my girl.

The two close their eyes and go back to sleep.


Yang wakes up slowly and yawns. She feels behind her and doesn't feel Fred in bed with her. She sighs and gets a pouty look to her. She sits up.

Yang: Why did I expect him to be here?

She gets up to go downstairs but she is grabbed and thrown back in bed. Two arms wraps around her and pull her close to what grabbed her and kisses her cheek.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now