•Chapter 1• Return to Queens

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Y/n Stark sat in the car with her father and Peter Parker. She was scrolling through her phone when she glanced up at her father. "Dad, do you want me to send Friday the reports?" She asked. Tony nodded and rubbed his nose. Peter was holding up his little camera. He pointed it towards Tony. He didn't move or look into the camera. Peter then pointed his camera toward Y/n. The girl glanced up and blushed a little. "Are you recording?" She asked him. He blushed as well and put away the camera again. Tony looked at him. "Recording? Like some kind of video diary?" He questioned. Peter nodded. "Yeah." He answered. Y/n smiled at the two as they recorded something for his aunt or something like that. She kept her eyes focused on her phone until she got snapped out of her focus once more. "You can keep the suit," Tony tells Peter. Peter lowers his camera and looks at Tony in shock. "I can keep the suit?" He questioned. Y/n smiled a little at Peter. "Yes, we were just talking about it," Tony said and pointed at his daughter, "Do me a favor though, Happy is kind of your guy in this, so don't stress him out. And don't do anything stupid, I've seen his cardiogram. Alright?" Tony added. "Yes!" Peter blurted out. "Don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't go anything I wouldn't do. There's a little grey area in there and that's where you are." Tony said. Peter's face lit up slightly. "Does that mean I'm an Avenger now?" He asked. "No," Tony said and looked at Y/n, "Tell your mom we're on our way." He tells his daughter. She nodded and texted her mother, Pepper. Happy then appeared next to them with Peter's case in his hands. "Seventh floor," Tony tells him. Peter looks at Happy. "I can take that. You don't have to take that." Peter tells him. Y/n smiled at him again. He then turned back to Tony. "So, when's- when's our next...you know." He stammered. "Next mission?" Tony cut him off. "Yeah," Peter replied. "We'll call you." Y/n cut in. Peter glanced at her. "You have my number?" He asked. "No, but we'll call you." She repeated. "She means someone will call you." Tony finished and leaned over Peter to get the door. But Peter awkwardly hugged him. "This is not a hug, I'm just grabbing the door for you," Tony tells him, "We're not there yet." He added. Y/n rolls her eyes at her father and looked at Peter as he stepped out of the car. "Bye Peter." She smiled and waved. "Bye!" Tony called before telling Happy to drive off leaving Peter on the streets. Y/n looked at her father. "Don't you think that was kind of harsh?" She asked as she climbed out of her seat to sit on Peter's. Tony shook his head. "He'll be fine." He tells her. Y/n rolls her eyes again. "Happy, can we stop for cheeseburgers?" She asked him. "Sure." Happy replied. Y/n smiled in her seat and focused on her phone again.

Peter knocked on the door of his apartment. "May, it's me! Can you open the door? My hands are kinda full." He called. The door opened and May smiled at him. "How did it go?" She asked him. He smiled back at her. "It was awesome! He had all this science stuff, his lab was huge, and...it was so great!" Peter cheered as he got inside. May closed the door and walked up to her nephew. "So, it's official now? You got the internship?" She asked him. Peter nodded excitedly and put his bags on the table in front of them. May cheered and hugged him tightly. "I'm so proud of you!" She tells him. Peter smiled as he hugged his aunt. "Thanks, May." He said. May pulled away from their hug and looked at her nephew. "So, we're there others there? For the internship?" She asked him. Peter nodded and thought of what Tony told him about Y/n. "She's my biggest secret. You can tell no one about her. As far as the world knows, she doesn't exist. You will put her in danger if you do, kid." Tony tells him before they stepped into the car. Peter nodded. "I understand, sir." He replied. "If someone asks about her, make something up," Tony tells him. "So you want me to lie?" Peter asked. "You're not lying. You're just not telling anyone." Tony assures him. "Alright, Mr. Stark," Peter replied and was about to open the door but Tony stopped him. "I mean it, kid. Swear to me that you will never tell anyone who she is." Tony said. Peter gulped and nodded again. "I-I promise, Mr. Stark." Peter focused on May again. "Yeah, there was this girl. She was really nice." He tells her as he turned to his bags. May's smile turned into a little smirk. "A girl, huh?" She said. Peter turned back to his aunt. "Please, don't make this weird, May. It's just a girl." He tells her. May folded her arms over her chest. "Are you sure about that?" She asked him. Peter nodded in response. "Alright, uh, are you hungry? I can order some pizza." May suggests. Peter nods again. "Yeah, sure. I'll just put away my bags in my room." He said as he picked up his stuff and walked over to his room. He puts his bags on the floor and the case on his desk. He opened it to look at the suit one more time. He smiled proudly at it. He closed it again before hiding it in his closet where May wouldn't find it for now. He returned to the living room where his aunt sat on the couch. He sat next to her. "I'm exhausted." He said. May smiled at him. "It must've been exhausting to be around Tony Stark all day." She joked. Peter chuckled and runs his hand through his hair. "Yeah, pretty much." He replied, "but how are you holding up?" He asked her. She shrugged. "Same old, same old. Though, I have found a new recipe that I think we would like." She tells him. Peter chuckles at her. "Not again, May." He complained.

"What took you so long? You said you were coming home, I was worried!" Pepper complained as she saw Tony and Y/n walk in. Both Y/n and Tony hid their cheeseburgers behind their backs. Pepper stood up and walked towards them. "Are those cheeseburgers?" She asked them. Y/n quickly swallowed the piece of burger she had in her mouth to answer. "We were hungry." She tried to explain. "You were hungry?" She asked and looked at Tony. He pointed at Y/n. "It's all the kid's fault." He blurted out. Y/n glared at her father. "Your kid." She said. Tony rolls his eyes before looking at Pepper. "I'm sorry, did you want anything?" He asked, "Y/n, give your mother your burger." He ordered. Y/n glared at him again. "What? Why me?!" She questioned. "Because you came up with the idea. Now, be responsible." He tells her. Pepper holds up one of her hands. "It's okay, honey. Go to your room, please, it's late." She tells her daughter. Y/n kissed her parent's cheeks and walked off to her room. "Night!" She called. "Good night, honey!" Pepper called after her. "Good night, squirt!" Tony called as he jumped on the couch. Y/n ate the rest of her burger as she walked through the Avengers tower. She walked into her room. "Evening, Friday, what did I miss?" She asked. "Good evening, Ms. Stark. No messages, but I do have to remind you to start packing your room. You are moving, remember?" She answered. Y/n smiled. "Alright, thank you, Friday. I'll start packing tomorrow, I'm going to bed, now." Y/n replied while changing her clothing. Friday dimmed the lights in her room and shut the curtains.
Y/n walked over to her bathroom and brushed her teeth and danced in the mirror while doing it. After she had brushed her teeth she jumped onto her bed and smiled as she smelled her pillow, which had been freshly washed by Pepper. "This is so much better than that hotel smell." She tells Friday. She then got under the covers. "Night, Friday." She said. "Good night, Ms. Stark," Friday replied and turned off the lights completely. Y/n snuggled into her pillow and closed her eyes. Meanwhile, Tony and Pepper sat on the couch talking to each other. "I can't believe you got cheeseburgers without me." Pepper complained. Tony shrugged and cleaned his hands with a napkin. "I thought she texted you, honey," Tony replied and kissed her cheek, "I'll get you one next time." He tells her. Pepper smiled at him. "So, what happened to the kid?" Pepper asked. "Dropped him off at his home, said we would call him, and drove off," Tony explained. Pepper looked at him. "You just dropped him off and left again?" She asked him. Tony stood up to get himself a drink. "What was I supposed to do?" He asked her. Pepper turned a little to keep looking at him. "Well, you could've walked him to his apartment." She said. Tony grabbed a glass and started to fill it while looking at Pepper. "I let him keep the suit, that should be enough." He tells her. Pepper stood up and walked towards him. Tony looked at her as she stood next to him. "Tony, be nice to him. Be his mentor. He could, and wants, to learn so much from you." Pepper tells him. Tony took a sip of his drink. "He's not my kid." He answered quietly. Pepper sighed a little. "He's no one's kid, Tony. His parents are gone, his uncle is gone, and he only has his aunt. He looks up to you, Tony. Please, don't let him down. The poor kid has been through a lot." she tells him. Tony sighs. "I'll try." He tells her.

Back in Queens, Peter walked back to his room. He closed the door and let exhaled loudly. He turned to his closet and searched for the case with his new suit in it. When he found the case he puts it on his desk and takes the suit out. He walks back to his door and carefully opens it to see if May had gone to bed yet. He saw his aunt walking through their apartment to switch off the lights. He closed his door again and waited for May to go to her room. As soon as he heard the door shut, he started to undress. He pulled on the suit and pressed the spider logo on his chest. He let his hands brush over his arms and chest to admire the suit before he climbed out of the window. He swung from building to building with his webs. He had his phone in his hands. He scrolled through his contacts and saw a new contact. Happy Hogan. Peter quickly sends him a message. 'Hey, Happy, this is Peter.' He sends. He quickly sends him another message. 'Parker.' He added. He then shut off his phone again and focused on the world around him. Yes, he was exhausted, but he has to keep people safe. It's a hero's duty, his duty. With great power comes great responsibility.
He felt really good in this suit. It was as if the suit was giving him more confidence. He patrolled for a good four hours before he went back to his apartment. He quietly sneaked his way back into his room through the window. He used his super-hearing to check if May was still asleep, and she was. He sighed in relief and got out of his suit again. He put on some comfortable clothes and got into his bed. As he lay down, he thought of what happened today. His mind then called back to Y/n Stark. She reminded Peter a lot of Tony. Though, there was something sweet about her. And she was very pretty, there was no denying that. Peter smiled to himself as he thought of her and the friendship they could have. She was so nice to him. His mind soon drifted off towards Liz. He started to imagine Liz resting her head on his chest right now. He smiled to himself and slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep. He couldn't wait to see Liz again.

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