•Chapter 90• Heavy Lies The Head That Wears The Crown

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A/n: I just wanna say.... we hit 10k reads? Already?? Oh my god! Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate that! Also, this was supposed to be the end but that's not happening. I've got so much more! Strap in for another long one, folks! (over 6k words) Also, if there are any grammar or spelling errors, I do apologize. My Grammarly just stopped working for some reason, I always use that for my writing, and I believe I fixed it but I am not certain. So I do apologize if anything sounds a little strange. I did my best to check myself as I always do, but I don't have my backup check.

Peter walked into the kitchen where Tony was sitting. Immediately he felt the heat rise to his cheeks. Did he hear anything last night? He wasn't paying attention to Y/n when she told Friday to soundproof the room. He was too focused on Y/n. "Morning, kid." Tony broke him out of his thoughts. Peter cleared his throat as he walked past Tony. "Morning, Mister Stark." Tony set his mug down again after taking a few sips. "So, how did it go?" Peter's eyes widened slightly at Tony's question. His mind was somewhere else. Fortunately, Tony did not pick up on his facial expressions. "Did you tell her about Harley, kid?"
"Oh," Peter scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "No." Tony's brows furrowed together. Didn't he say he would talk to her? Peter poured himself a glass of orange juice and avoided eye contact. He was scared he might spill something accidentally to Tong. Something he did not want Tony to know, and also something Tony did not want to know.
"You were supposed to tell her," Tony said. He straightened his back slightly in his seat. He had one task. Tony's face disappeared into his hands for a couple of seconds. Peter finally looked up at the man and was ready to make eye contact. "I know. I'm sorry, Mister Stark. I know you don't want to hear this, but Y/n was feeling very tired. We cuddled and just enjoyed our evening. I didn't want to upset her. You wouldn't want that either, right?" Tony let out a sigh.

He did not want his daughter upset. That's why he didn't want to tell her. Thinking about it now, maybe it would have been better if he had done it himself. Tony shut his eyes and sighed dramatically. "I don't want to know about you and my daughter, Parker." He told him. Tony halted his movements. He slowly turned to Peter. The boy sipped his orange juice again. He looked at Tony awkwardly. The glass hid the lower half of his face which was bright red by now. "You had sex with my daughter last night, didn't you?" Tony questioned in an unimpressed tone. Peter just kept his lips attached to the glass and looked up at Tony silently. "Didn't you?" Tony repeated a little bit more tension in his tone now. "Do you really want me to answer that, sir?" Peter asked after lowering his glass slightly. "I do. Did you, or did you not?" Peter started shaking his head. "Parker."
"Okay, okay, we did. Sir, I'm sorry." Peter tripped over his words. Was this happening? And to his surprise, his face was still intact. He kind of expected Tony to have blasted his face off by now. "You were supposed to talk to her, Parker. Not do these unholy things with her! If she's pregnant-" Tony started. "Sir, no. She's not pregnant. At least not that I know of..." His eyes widened at his own words. They hadn't exactly used protection. But Y/n was on her period a few days ago. He couldn't have knocked her up... could he? No, no, that's not how that worked. Biology. Right? Peter was questioning everything he knew right now. "Parker!"
"Sir, with all due respect, I did tell you, you might not want me to answer," Peter admitted.

Tony grabbed the boy's collar harshly and yanked him closer. "You had sex with my daughter?!" Peter tried to push the man off. He felt a bit scared. He had never been scared by Tony like this before. "You were supposed to talk to her. Parker, this is serious! And you decided your dick was more important?" Tony asked him. "Mister Stark, I promise I wanted to. I just couldn't do it. Not last night. And she's actually the one that uh... no, no, we both were. It wasn't supposed to happen. One thing led to another. I'm sorry, Mister Stark. I love her. You know that. I will talk to her later." Tony glared at him a little longer. Peter felt very intimidated at this point. His heart was beating abnormally fast. "I'm holding you to that," Tony said to the boy, but he did not let go of his shirt yet. Though, his grip on his shirt was a little looser. "Treated her good, didn't you? Didn't hurt her?" His question wasn't very loud. Peter let out a small sigh of relief. "Yes, sir. Of course. I would rather throw myself off a building and be buried under twelve busses when I fall to the curb than hurt her." Tony finally let go of his shirt and straightened out the fabric. Peter thanked him quietly. "Only twelve?"

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