Down with the Sickness (No really he's down with it)

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Hi! Can I have an imagine where y/n doesn't feel well so Jack takes care of her and it's really fluffy? I don't mind what kind of relationship they have. I myself am not feeling well so i would really appreciate it. Thank you😘

AN Starting off with Jack because why the hell not. I decided to leave the relationship unknown so have fun analyzing this one guys. Lol playing with your feels. I got the power. The conversation is between you and Jack, asking him to come over.

Jack's POV

I was lying in my bed texting Y/N, and she asked me to go over. She was my best friend, and I loved having her around so I decided to go to her.

She told me that she wasn't feeling well and wanted me to help her just feel better. I stopped at the store before getting to her place because I wanted to pick up some things that I knew she would like.

I knew soup was a must, and her favorite candy as well. But when I was going through the checkout line, I saw one of those stuffed animals that was lavender scented, and you could heat up in the microwave. Without giving it a second thought, I grabbed it off the shelf. I paid and was on my way to Y/N's.

When I got there, I didn't knock on the door. I just instead walked in. She called me over with a hoarse voice from the couch. I didn't go to the living room, instead I went straight to the kitchen to make her the soup.

I came to the living room with it in my hands as well as the warmed up stuffed animal. "What took so long?" she asked me. When she looked up at me, she smiled. "You made me soup?"

"Yeah," I smiled at her. After I handed her the soup, I went and grabbed to stuffed pig. "His name is George, I figured he'd help you feel happier."

She grinned up at me and hugged George. "Thank you so much Jack, he's adorable."

I sighed as I sat down, grateful that I helped her feel a bit better. She turned her attention to the TV as she was slurping her soup. I tore my gaze from her and checked to see what she was watching. Something on the history channel.

When she downed her soup, she handed the bowl to me to put on the table. "So how are you feeling?" I asked her.

"A little better, thanks to you," Y/N mumbled quietly.

I grinned and scooted a bit closer to her. It felt right with the space between us getting smaller. I didn't like sitting on the opposite side of the couch. Made me feel awkward.

"We should watch Adventure Time."

"You always want to watch Adventure Time."

"That's because it's fucking fantastic."

"True." She sat in silence for a bit until she grabbed the controller searching for something else to watch. "We could watch Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends?"

"I am one hundred percent okay with that."

She smiled and put it on. After a couple hours of back to back cartoon network shows, I looked over at to where she was sitting and saw that she passed out. It was about ten, so I figured bed time for her. I didn't want to be too awkward and bring her to the bed and then get in next to her, it'd be a weird thing to wake up to. Instead I laid out blankets I found in the closet on the floor. I went up to her bedroom to grab pillows and brought them downstairs to where we were.

Her dog, a black small thing, took my spot on the floor. I went to the medicine cabinet to get nighttime cold medicine. She most likely hadn't taken anything. I shook her awake, and she stirred a bit until she finally gazed up at me with glazed eyes.

"How long was I out for?"

"You know, I really don't remember." She giggled and noticed the makeshift bed I set up on the floor.

"You made this?"

I nodded and grinned. "Sleep over!"

She laughed again and slid down to the blankets. "Bennett! You've joined us." She cuddled the dog close to her as I put the covers over her.

"You want some cold medicine?" I asked her.

" Yeah sure." She grabbed the medicine and took the required amount.

"Now you should be able to sleep."

"Where are you going to sleep?"

"Next to you? If that's okay?"

"Cuddle time!" She cheered and wrapped her arms around my neck to bring me down with her. I stumbled over her and my face came dangerously close to hers to where we were almost kissing. I remained frozen in that position until I noticed where I was and sat back up. I could feel myself become one with the tomatoes.

She giggled again and patted the area next to her. "Cuddle."

I smiled and took my place next to her, all clothes on and everything. Her hair was up and she was in pyjamas. I was still in my day clothes. It didn't matter though.

I laid down next to her and pulled the covers over ourselves. There was something different about being on the floor that made me feel more personal than on a bed. Should I have chosen the bed? Oh well, it was too late now.

I was surprised when I felt her come closer to me. She laid her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"You're a comfier pillow than the actual pillows," she mumbled.

I smiled and felt her drift off to sleep. I wasn't tired, but I decided to sleep anyway.

Your POV

When I awoke, I was on the floor. Oh yeah, Jack came over last night to help me feel better. I turned around to see if he was still there. He was. Only his shirt was off. He must have taken it off. I smiled to myself and scooted closer to him. I fell back asleep.

Next thing I knew Jack was shaking me awake. I turned around to see his face, and he was looking at me with a smile on his face. He was wearing his glasses, and his tattoo was fully exposed. He was cuddling Bennett close to him.

"You feeling better?" he asked me.

"I think so," I answered. He caught me off guard, I didn't really know how to take it all in.

"Good." He pushed the blanket off and disappeared to the kitchen. He didn't put a shirt back on, or take off his glasses. I was perfectly fine with that.

"Breakfast, Y/N!" he called to me.

I grinned and got up to meet him in the kitchen.

"Orange juice for the sicky and all these pancakes and bacon for me."I laughed and lightly punched him in the shoulder. "Okay, okay, one pancake."

"Jackkkkk," I whined. "I'm hungry!"

He laughed and gave me my share of the food. I smiled and before he could go back to the food, I grabbed his hand. "Thanks, Jack. For helping."

"You're welcome, Y/N." He gazed into my eyes for a little bit longer than he probably intended, and smiled again. He turned around to finish serving himself up.

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