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"Hey new neighbor it appears that your dog likes me a thousand times better than she likes your partner and they're really jealous and i'm sorry but not really because hellloooooo there" with y/n as the old neighbors and jack with his non-existent girlfriend (abigail gresline i suppose) as the new neighbors!

AN so idk what kinda doggo that is im gonna assume it is a border collie so fight me. Also sorry I haven't written in like years. I'm just a lame human ?? dunno why. I apologize. I also don't know this doggie's name or gender so I'm gonna make it up. This is Juno, and she's a girl. I love her already. She's a Libra. Also I didn't know what you exactly meant by nonexistent girlfriend but I gave it my best lemme know if you want me to change it

Your POV

I was outside my apartment, looking for my keys in my big ass purse because it eats everything, when a bark ripped my attention away. I looked around for the dog, curious as to where it came from seeing as no one I knew on my floor or any floor had a dog. It was a medium sized border collie that ran up to me, wagging its tail.

"Hey puppy," I smiled and leaned down to pet it, wondering where it came from. I looked for its collar, but the dog only had a license and a rabies tag, no name tag. I continued to pet it, it was really friendly, happily letting me. I heard footsteps climb up and reach my floor. I don't know why they didn't take the elevator, but I guess people had their own ways of doing things. We were only on the third floor, so I guess it wasn't too much to climb.

"Juno," I heard a guy call the dog. That meant she's a she. At least I think. She looked back at him and his friend, and looked back at me, then sat down in front of me. I guess she likes me more. "Juno, come."

She continued to ignore him and happily let me pet her. I smiled, and patted her head. "Better go to your owner, pup," I told her. The dog looked up with me with pleading eyes, and I pointed to her people, and she reluctantly got up and went to her people.

"You're our new neighbor?" the girl asked me. She was shorter than me by a bit, and I could tell she was younger as well.

I shrugged. "I guess so." I watched as the dog completely ignored the girl and went to the guy, acknowledging his presence.

The guy walked toward me, and I stood up at the same time. He was taller than me and had a shaggy hairstyle with blonde tossed in his black hair. "Hi," he smiled. "I'm Jack."

"Y/N," I replied shaking his hand. My eyes wandered around his face. He was quite attractive, and his dog was really friendly. I want to see her again.

"I'm Abby," the girl behind him called. My attention snapped to her, and my eyes couldn't help themselves, they did a once-over her, and I immediately regretted it. Insane jealousy bubbled in my throat. May be for Jack, but it's probably for the dog. I want the dog more than her I can tell.

"Pleasure," I smiled.

"So we just moved in next door," Jack spoke up, probably trying to break the tension. "If you need anything or want to talk at all we'll be here. It was nice meeting you, "Y/N."

"Likewise." I waved to them, and went back to searching for my keys. I found them this time and opened my door and went in. I didn't really think much about Jack, and mostly thought about his dog. The night really wasn't anything special.

The next day I went to leave my place to go to work, and opened the door to see Jack coming out of his room as well. The girl from yesterday wasn't there, so I wondered where she was, but didn't say anything. What was her name again? Abeline? Alex? Doesn't matter. We walked side by side towards the elevator and I gave him a polite closed mouth smile.

"So how long have you lived here?" he asked. Fuck, he's trying to make small talk. Please kill me.

"About five years or so," I answered, not looking at him.

"Damn, that's a long time."

"Yeah, five years is long."


This is getting awkward. The silence is paining me, I can't just ignore this. "So how long have you had Juno?"


"Yeah, your dog?"

"Oh, right, her. We just got her really, she belonged to someone we knew, and they couldn't keep her anymore, so we got her. The apartment we had before couldn't have pets, so we moved."

"Interesting." I didn't know what else to say, but did he just say we? Does that mean they're together like a couple? Because, to be honest, I didn't see it. "How long have you and her been together?"

"I thought I just answered that question?" he inquired with an eyebrow quirk.

"I meant the girl that was with you."

"Oh," he held the door open for me to walk through to go outside. I really hope we're not walking in the same direction. "Abby. We're not together, we're just friends."

"So who's we?"

"What?" He stopped walking and we were just looking at each other, talking. I really had to get to work. I'm going to miss my train.

"We. You said we. 'We had to move' and 'we have this dog.' Who's we?"

"Oh, my roommate and I, Zack."

"Why wasn't he there helping you out yesterday?"

"He's in Hawaii."

"Of course he is. Listen, I got to get to work, and I'm going to miss the train if I stay here any longer. It was nice talking to you." I turned around to walk away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Why don't I give you a ride?"

"In what? We're outside and the garage is downstairs."

"I'm taking an Uber," he told me with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes, and checked my phone. It was already too late to go back now. If I was ever going to see his dog again, I'd have to make use of this. And he's not too bad on the eyes anyway. I did just meet him, but he's a bean pole, I could probably make a get away if he tries something. I'll be late otherwise. "Fine. But only because I like your dog."

He started laughing, and immediately I noticed a crinkle by his eyes. It really accented his cheekbones. It was cute. This is Hell. "That's the only reason you're agreeing? Because you I like my dog?"

I shrugged and got in the car. "She's a cute dog. And she seems to like me more than your lady friend."

"What does that have to do with anything?" he asked, getting in the car after me.

"Dogs are a good sense of character. And if I want to see her again, then I have to play nice with you."

"You want to see Abby again?"

"No, you dimwit. I want to see your dog."

"Right. Why is she so important to you?"

"Because I like dogs? And she likes me better. That's important. It's important your dog knows what's good for you. She almost didn't want to go back to your place because she'd be leaving me."

"You're that confident?"

"In a dog? Yeah." He was silent for a while, seemed to be pondering this, while I was staring out the window, watching all the places wizz by. I looked over at him as the car pulled in front of where I work. "Well, I best get going. Thanks for the ride, I can cover my fare if you want-"

"No, that's fine. I got it. I caused you to be late anyway." He smiled at me again, and it was so genuine and pure I couldn't help but smile back.

"Look, sorry for saying your dog likes me better. But not really. Because, well. You're hot. I mean nice looking. I mean-" I looked back out the window, and opened my car door. "Bye."

I got out, closing my eyes. I didn't just say that did I? Oh my god, this is how I die. "Hey, Y/N," Jack called. I turned around and his window was down as he was looking up at me. "See you around."

The car drove off and I watched it go. Did I really just fucking say that? Oh well, at least I'll get to see his dog again.

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