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could you do an imagine where y/n is a nerdy girl and she has the biggest crush on Jack and Jack does also. She gets a complete makeover for prom.

AN Yo guys, sorry for not writing last night, I had to pick up my very drunk mom from the bar with her friend and that took like an hour so oops, and then I got tired because well it was like 4 in the morning. Which it currently is now. And I'm tired as fuck, but I will not fail my followers! Especially not people who are so understanding and loving and such. Also my heart goes out to the 5SOS fam today. After hearing what happened to Michael Clifford, I am extremely sorry. I consider myself to be in it, although not as much as a Hustler, but I still love those four guys to death. If you don't like them then skip over cuz I'm gonna rant.

Literally anyone who is rude or an asshole to Michael, I will not hesitate to fight verbally and physically. I may not win, but I will defend him. What happened was an accident, and the fact that he didn't continue, even though it was an encore, isn't the issue. His face and his hair, his magnificent hair, was burned. And we're all deeply saddened by that. We're all super worried for his well-being and even though he's assured us he's okay, I'm still nervous, and I hope he rests up and takes it easy. Because that's not fun nor is it fair. But he'll pull through cause he's punk rock af. We'll hang in there friends. If he can, then we can too.

Alright, rant over, sorry 'bout that, but the amount of people being assholes about it makes me want to kill a bitch. Alrighty on to Jack Barakat and you guys. Convo between you and Jack :] sorry it's so long, just felt like it needed a lot of background, I have no idea why. You ready to go to prom?

Your POV

I couldn't help but stare at Jack as he walked by. Every time he ever did something, it made me want to flinch. He was so beautiful that I thought I couldn't even look at him for too long, it'd be considered a sin. Just a little adorkable me, staring at Jack Barakat should be a felony in most countries.

I'm not ugly. I hope. A lot of the times I feel that way. Just because I wear glasses and not the most fashionable clothes. And no I don't wear cool glasses. As in hipster glasses. Or punch out the lenses in 3D glasses and wear those. No, I have an eyesight problem, and thick rims for my protection along with thick lenses. No, it's not fun.

Despite noticing everyone and being consciously aware of all the people surrounding me, no one else seems to notice the annoying gnat flying over them. I mean, sure, I have friends. Who doesn't have friends in a school this big? But do I consider them close? Not in the slightest bit. They don't ask about my weekend, they don't ask about my life at all actually. All they really do is invite me to go to get togethers, which is actually a lot for me.

The one person that has made this highschool life bearable is Jack. Jesus, I have the biggest crush on him. It'd be my very own Cinderella story if I could go to prom with him. Prom's coming up in a couple weeks. I don't have a date. I don't ever have a date. But I wanted my senior year to be something special. I wanted to at least talk to him, maybe get him to notice me a little bit. We had the same classes, sure. But did he ever really look at me?

One of the worst classes of my high school career is gym and I am fortunate enough to have Jack in it. I say that with the most sarcasm I can ever achieve. I am the clumsiest person on this planet, and if it was an olympic sport then just maybe I'd be in the running.

Nevertheless, I am still here, I'm still clumsy, I still have these asshole glasses on my face, and I still want Jack to throw me up against a wall and hardcore make out with me. So I throw on these sweaty baggy gym clothes and head out to the soccer field.

The sport that requires the most coordination, and has the most attention on you when you fail is the one I'm playing. Right here. Right now. And here I am. Playing it against my crush. Not even with where I could hide from him, no, I have to play defense while he's offense, and it does not help my heart any matters when he looks so fucking good doing it.

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