Brother's Best Friend is my Boyfriend?

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could you do an imagine where your alexs sister and you and jack start seeing each other and Alex gets made and ignores you both until Lisa talks some sense into him? :) xx

AN The other Alex's sister imagine! There might be three of these with different plot lines so I'm gonna have to get creative haha. I hope you guys like it, you have been so nice to me lately, it's pretty awesome. Lol such a terrible title I came up with. Anyway, thanks so much, I love you guys xx

Your POV

I was downstairs sitting with the guys, Alex had invited them over to hang out or whatever. I hadn't planned on joining them, I was just gonna sit in my room, but Alex insisted on it, he wanted me to learn how to socialize.

I told him I knew how to socialize, I just didn't feel the need to. He made me to go down anyway. So I did. And I'm sandwiched between Jack and Zack. Zack is on his phone, probably tweeting about his clothing line, and Jack was watching the movie we put on. The only one besides me who was actually watching. They had ordered pizza, but it hadn't come yet.

"Why did we let Rian pick if he's not even watching the movie," Jack whined.

Alex looked at Jack with a raised eyebrow. Lisa was leaned on his shoulder, sleeping softly. "Because if we let you choose all the time, you'd want to watch the same movies over and over."

Jack laughed lightly. "That's because they're the best movies ever made."

"Alex, shut your face hole, this is my favorite part," I snapped at my brother.

"Yeah Jack," Alex laughed, sticking his tongue out at me.

Jack rolled his eyes at Alex, and turned to watch the movie again. The doorbell rang suddenly, and he jumped up. "I got it!" He ran to the front door. I was hungry, so of course I went to follow him. Favorite movie or not, pizza is important.

Jack came into the kitchen, and called to the guys for food. None of them moved. I was already there with my plate ready. Jack laughed quietly at my eagerness. "You're such a dork."

"Am not." I whipped my hair so it would brush his face, and grabbed a piece of pepperoni. Jack came closer to me and snaked his hands around my waist, giving me that same look he always gave me when we're alone together. "Jack, stop, Alex might come around the corner any minute."

"Alex is preoccupied by Lisa," he whispered to me, planting small kisses on my neck. I giggled quietly and put my food down to wrap my hands around him as well. He touched his forehead to mine, and closed his eyes. I reached up to kiss his lips. He kissed back and tightened his grip around me.

Jack and I had little moments of heated kissing or hugging. We hadn't told anyone, we don't talk about it after they're over, it was like some sort of unspoken rule that we both understood. Alex would flip if he knew that we had this going on.

It just sort of happened, it didn't have an actual label. One moment we were just talking and the next we were making out in my bed. We didn't talk about it afterward, we didn't change how we behaved around other people, just how we behaved around each other when we were alone.

Jack's tongue brought me back to the present. He was really getting into it. I moved my hands up to his hair to run them through. Things were getting hotter, and he pushed me up against the counter to deepen our kiss.

"Jack, what's taking so long?" a voice asked, and we both pulled away immediately. Alex showed up from behind the door. "What the fuck?"

Jack and I both glanced at each other. It must have looked really strange. We were panting, and were a little too close for comfort. "Yeah, I was just grabbing a soda," Jack said quickly. He reached behind me for the refrigerator and opened it for a can of Coca Cola.

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