Meeting the Guys

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Hiiii um I'm kinda new to this whole thing but can you do one where like it's like dating jack and then you like meet the other guys but they don't like you(to add a little spice into it because your to young) I'm mostly wanna know what it would be like to be dating jack please and thank you for all your effort and hard work into doing this stuff ps why can't I just be married to jack already lolzz

AN Hey okay I don't know if I told you, but Zack Merrick followed me on Twitter from his clothing acc the @iamamerrickan one, so that's really cool and I can't stop thinking about it tbh it's so fuckin cool. Also I have fallen in love with Twenty One Pilots, and I am not okay. I now have to spend even more money on bands and even though I love having their stuff, I don't have a job so that sucks. But I'm trying my best to learn their stuff rn so that's gonna take a lot of work. I'm so ready for these imagines tbh we're gonna have loads of fun, you guys ready? xx

Your POV

Jack was taking me to meet his friends. We had been going out for a while now, not too long, but I guess it was time to meet the bandmates. I honestly don't know how well that's going to work, but one can dream, right?

It must mean he's serious about me if wanted me to meet his three best friends? I consider this a higher honour than meeting his parents. I just hope they like me.

"Relax babe," Jack smiled at me from the driver's seat. I know I look like I'm going to explode, but that's because I am. His friends are literally so important to him and if they don't like me then what am I going to do? I can't be the next Yoko Ono.

"I can't," I mumbled. "What if they hate me?"

"They're not gonna hate you. What's there to hate? I love everything about you."

My heart quickened in speed as his words digested. I tried my best to remain calm. Jack can be pretty smooth sometimes, and I don't know how to take it a lot of the time. "I don't know, maybe because I'm just not cut out to be with you." I stared out the window, refusing to look at him. If gazed up into his brown eyes, he was definitely going to win.

"Y/N, you know that's not true." He used his stern voice with me, making it clear he wasn't backing down anytime soon. I could tell he was trying to catch my gaze but I refused.

"I'm nervous, Jack."

"That's understandable, but I'm here, and you'll be fine, okay?"

I nodded, not wanting to say anything and we pulled up at Alex's house. We were all gathering around to watch a pre season show of the Ravens. I wasn't really into football, but Jack loved it, and I wanted to be supportive of him.

Jack assured me I wouldn't be the only girl there. Cass wasn't going to be there cause she was on tour, but Lisa was and Zack's girlfriend was as well. I was nervous and excited and terrified all at once. With the mixture of these feelings, I declared them as "nervifited."

Jack didn't knock on the door of Alex's house, and instead just walked in. I think he's way past knocking or ringing the door bell. I on the other hand, was not. So I stood in the doorway as Jack waltzed in Alex's house.

"Honey, I'm home," he called out to the household. The only one that came was one of Alex's dogs and himself. He greeted Jack with a quick hug and when he pulled back, he noticed me.

He nodded toward me while asking Jack, "Who's this?"

"That's my girlfriend, Y/N," Jack replied grinning.

Alex groaned, and I immediately thought about turning back. "Jack, you can't just bring random strangers in my house and claim that they're your girlfriend."

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