Vampire!Jack Part 2

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Vampire!Jack Part 2

AN And here we are at the end of the road THE ROAD THAT'S QUIETLY CAVING IN lol sorry I had to. It's not the end of the road just yet, at least I don't think so. But here we are! Are you guys excited? Because I am, it feels so good to be writing at the crack of absolute despair. Also we should all get together and fight this one guy that's driving me crazy but that's a story for another time. Here we are, enjoy your vampy Jack <3

Your POV

I couldn't get a wink of sleep after that night with Jack. I mean I knew he was weird, but I didn't know he was . . that weird. Is he actually a vampire? Are there actual vampires running around in this world, or is he fucking with me? Because I'm a pretty gullible person, and if he's fucking with me, I swear to god he's gonna wish he was one.

I went to my job, but I was running on absolutely no sleep, so at this point my veins were flooded with pure caffeine. I saw no sign of the lanky skunk so I decided not to look. I was falling asleep at my job when someone knocked on the door of my office. "Miss Y/N," they started to say, but drool was already all over my paperwork. My head snapped up, and I had a sticky note stuck to my cheek. I pried it off, and looked up at them.

"Sorry to bother you, miss, but these flowers were left for you." I was beginning to think my vision of Jack was a dream, but after these flowers came in, I wasn't so sure. It was a bouquet of black roses, no note, no anything.

"Did the person drop them off or was it a worker?"

"Looked like a worker to me," they muttered and walked off. So this is great, not only do I not have the slightest clue of who this guy is, but he's leaving me anonymous roses, claims he's a vampire, and I don't even know his last name. Even if I wanted to find him, I couldn't.

The rest of the day was filled with nothing. Absolutely nothing. That was until I got home and the second I dropped my keys in the designated key bowl, a dark shadow was encompassing me. "Did you like you present?" he asked me, his voice low.

"Jesus Christ, Jack! You can't just show up on people in the middle of their living rooms! It's weird. Haven't you heard of a door?"

He laughed, and it was a sound that could make me melt, but I kept it together. "It's more fun to surprise you."

"Yeah well thanks to your little surprise last night, I got no sleep last night. Causing me to fall asleep at work and drool all over my paperwork, so thanks for that."

"You're welcome!" he laughed again. His eyes crinkled up at the corners and it made me wonder how this little ball of sunshine could ever be a vampire.

"So have a question," I proposed, motioning for him to follow me to my couch. "Have you ever killed anyone?"

He sat down next to me, trying to understand what I was asking. "Yeah, I thought we've been over this."

"Well, not really. You've just told me if you've eaten someone, but what about just killed. Like killed for the hell of it."

"No, I don't think so," he furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Have you thought again about turning me?"

"What? No! I told you before, love, I don't wish this on anyone."



"What if I made you breakfast every day for the rest of eternity?"

"That's a lot of breakfast."

"Do you sleep in a coffin?" I suddenly changed the subject.


"Do you sleep upside down like a bat?" I took in a gasp because I was so excited. "Can you turn into a bat!!"

"No, no, and no. Those are all myths, Y/N. Folklore. The only thing a vampire can let you do is eat the blood of the living to survive, you're basically dead, annnd you can fuck pretty well if I do say so myself."

"that doesn't make any sense."

"Why not?"

"Because one, why do you need to fuck if you can turn people into vampires, and two, you don't have circulation. How the fuck are you supposed to get a hard on?"

He laughed nervously, but avoided my gaze. "I guess something else just flows there instead."

"I want to try it," I told him, and he gave me a look of surprise.


"I want to try it. I want to try having sex with a vampire."

I swear to god I saw him blush, but I don't know how that's possible considering he doesn't have a pulse. "You can't," he suddenly told me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I gave him a look as to ask why and he understood it. "You have to be a vampire as well."

"Then turn me."

"I already told you I'm not doing that."

"Come on Jack, this is a once in a lifetime chance that I'll ever get to sleep with someone as great as you," I gave him a look, and he turned away, like he can't resist.

"No way, even though you're irresistible, I refuse."

"Isn't that the very definition of irresistible, that you can't refuse?"


"Please Jack?" I interrupted, "It's only just this once."

"No!" In his rage of saying no, he got up and his cape swayed behind him and he started pacing back and forth. I watched him as he did so, confused as hell. He was muttering weird things, and all I really wanted to do was help.


"Shut the fuck up." And I shut up. He sounded like he was weighing the pros and cons, and I didn't want him to get in any trouble or anything, if he even could, so I did what I thought was necessary.

"Just forget it," I told him, and his head snapped up to meet me. "If it's going to bother you so much, then never mind, I don't want it."

I saw him smile, and that in turn made me smile a little bit. He came closer to me, his brown eyes sparkling with what I couldn't describe. The apartment was dark, but with the illumination of the lights from the outside, I could see his face. He kneeled down in front of me and his cold hand reached up to my face. I leaned into it. "Come with me?" he whispered softly to me.

I nodded and he brought me to my bedroom. He helped me get dressed, since I was really tired, and when I climbed into bed, he was right there with me. It didn't make much sense since I had only met him yesterday, but it felt right. He was cold, but I was determined to make him warm again. His arm went around my waist, and we were both faced in the same direction. I snuggled closely in him, and his breathing got quicker. I was so tired, I fell asleep too fast and don't remember anything from that night.

When I awoke, it wasn't much surprise to find out that he was gone. But when I slowly got up, I realized my bed was covered with something that shouldn't happen twice a month. Blood was everywhere, and it wasn't just all over my legs, it was on my shirt and on my blankets, I reached up to my neck, and it had dried. Freaking out I stumbled out of bed to check my reflection, only to find out I looked dead. That's another myth proven wrong, I can still see myself, but for how long? I'm getting rather hungry. Fuck my life, this is all Jack's fault.   

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