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Hey could I have an imagine about Jack where he likes goes to a ceremony to watch you receive an award or something similar and he's proud and brags about and like fluff beyond belief please? Love the blog!

AN Photo cred to Tumblr user imaginexbarakat ! I'm back! Sorry for that short hiatus, I had some things that were going on, and I couldn't bring myself to write, but props to i-am-the-new-face-of-failure for helping out when I desperately needed it. I'll try to go back on schedule now, thanks guys. I love you all so much. Also there hasn't been a text convo in a while, and there isn't now, but let's hope there's one soon! I love you guys, thanks so much. Enjoy some fluffy Jack feels xx


"Y/N, hurry up we're gonna be late!" Jack called out to me. I was in the middle of putting on my makeup, and I couldn't mess it up. Not again. I've already failed three times.

"I'm hurrying Jack!" I shouted back. I don't know why he was so set on being on time. It's not like he was the one winning the award.

I had been nominated for humanitarian at my job's company, and to win the award would one: boost my salary, and two: make me feel good inside. So Jack wanted to be on time. It was some ceremony we had to go to. If I don't win, at least I'll still have been nominated, or that's what Jack tells me when I tell him I'm scared I won't win.

I stumble downstairs, trying to walk straight in the shoes I've picked out. I look up from staring at my feet, making sure I didn't fall, and Jack was staring right back at me. I smiled at him, and he returned it with a starstruck look in his eyes. I almost tripped over my feet, but caught myself in time, and when I regained myself, Jack's arms were around me, making sure I wouldn't fall.

"Shall we?" He stuck out his arm for me to take, and I did. We walked together to the car. Jack decided to drive and I sighed when we got in the vehicle. "Nervous?" he asked me when he noticed I was shaking slightly.

I gave him a small smile before turning my attention to the windows. "Just a little," I breathed. He grabbed my hand, causing me to look back at him.

"You'll be just fine, babe." He gave my hand a squeeze, and I sighed before nodding. Maybe he was right. "I put a million dollars on you, though, you better win."

He made me laugh and I bit my lip. One of the last things I wanted to do right now was to laugh, but he still managed to make me do it.

"There's the beautiful smile I love." He kissed my cheek quickly before turning his attention on the traffic we were stuck in.

When we arrived at the place, Jack grabbed my hand to support me as I walked in. People all around me were dressed fancy and I couldn't help but get even more nervous. These were people I've worked with for as long as I've been here. I've only ever seen them in their professional clothes. Seeing them like this is a new experience for me. And it's not fun.

"You're the prettiest one here," Jack whispered in my ear. I blushed and tried to hide my face, but there was no hair to fall in my face because I've pinned it back. Yay. "Yay, you're blushing," Jack smiles and squeezes my hand again.

After socializing as much as I could stomach, Jack and I found a spot by the front of the stage. We sat and he grabbed some finger food that was out for us. I watched him as he put an entire tiny sandwich in his mouth at once.

"What?" he defended, his mouth still full.

"Graceful," I commented.

"I try." He swallowed and turned his attention to the front.

After about an hour of listening to speeches, finally came the time for the humanitarian award. "And next is a very important award," my boss spoke into the microphone. "This goes to the most dedicated member of our office, who helps people when they need it, not necessarily who asks for it. This goes to someone who is honest even when it's in their best interest not to. This goes to..." There was an uncomfortable silence as he stared down at us. "Y/N!"

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