I Got Your Picture, I'm Coming With You

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Hello there! I love your writing and was wondering if you could do a one shot of the reader & Jack where the reader is the band's photographer. One day they go to a park or something & she takes a bunch of pictures of Jack & then fluff happens. Basically really cute and luffy. Thanks so much <3

AN I really hope you guys like this one! I'm actually updating on time, I'm so proud. Thanks so much for all your guys' support, though. It means a lot. I love you guys a lot, so thank you so much for continuing to read my things. The text conversation isn't really a conversation, it's just Alex bothering Jack, but it's still here. Again, thank you guys, I love you. Enjoy xx

Your POV

Being the photographer for a band is not that hard of a job. Though it can get tough when your subject wouldn't stay still. All Time Low isn't a hard band to get along with, though. They're pretty laid back, they're funny, and they make people smile. It's easy to see how influential they are on their fans' lives just by looking out into the crowd at one of their concerts.

I've been to all, actually. Well, not literally, but I've been to a hell of a lot. They're still able to inflict emotion into me anyway, even after how many times I've seen them. I love my job, and when they asked me to be their photographer, it was a yes right away and it hasn't wavered since.

I've noticed Jack take questioning glances at me, though. They're not laced with evil, I'm sure, but they're questioning. Skeptical. He looks at me different than the others do.

It was just us on the bus at the moment. Alex was off doing god knows what, I think Zack went to skateboard somewhere, and Rian was getting coffee. So it was just us. All alone. It got awkward fast.

At first he tried to make small talk with me, but I don't keep up the best conversation that way. So we were sitting next to each other, occasionally laughing at something on our phones.

"Y/N," Jack whined from next to me. I look up from a gif I was staring at and his head's back in exasperation. "I'm bored."

"Alex told us to wait for him, though."

"Alex has been gone for hours. We've been waiting for the others for hours. Let's go out and do something, I'm bored."

"Do I get to take my camera?"

"Do I get to say no?"

"Good point." He sighs and gets up, as if to get ready or something. I didn't see why he needed to, his clothes were fine. Okay, they're better than fine, but I'm not one to comment on that. When he walked out, he was wearing pants that were cupping his ass quite nicely. Okay, who am I fucking kidding, his pants were tighter than my grip on reality.

"You ready to go, or are you just going to keep staring at me?" he snapped me out of my dirty thoughts and walked to the door of the bus. "Daylight's a-wastin'."

I shrugged and grabbed my camera before following him outside. We walked alongside one another in silence until Jack broke the silence. "Why do you never talk to me?" he asked, and I snapped my head up.


"I feel like you never talk to me. Why?"

"I talk to you."

"No. You look at me, open your mouth to say something, close it, then look away. Everytime."

"What do you call this that I'm doing with my mouth then?"

"A miracle," he mumbled. I snorted from laughter but quickly covered my mouth with my sweater hand. "What was that?" His eyes sparkled as he looked down at me, wondering what inhumane sound came from my mouth was.

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