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Could you do one where you're in high school and you are best friends with atl bc to them you've always just been one of the guys and one day at lunch Alex makes it really obvious jack likes you so he's really pissed? Thanks!

AN I was having a hard time getting this one going, so I really hope this is up to my standards. Thanks for everything guys, I almost have 1000 followers I'm so happy, thank you guys so much you're literally the best. I haven't ever heard of Rian/Zack being shipped together. Have you? Idk man, but they fit here, but just a bromance. I really hope you guys like it I'm so sorry if you don't I'll try harder next time I promise.

Your POV

I hate getting up in the morning. High school is such a drag. I don't understand why they say that teenagers need more sleep, yet elementary schooled kids get the later time for school to start. What kid do you know that actually sleeps in 'til 10 or 8 or whenever they're supposed to get up? Most of them get up at six anyway just because they can. High school and elementary school times should be switched.

The only thing I have that's not worth crying about is my friend group. I have four people that I like to call my best friends. We do everything together, whether it's hanging out and eating pizza or just going for a walk, I'm always doing something with them. One of them at least. I listen to their band rehearsals, and I tell them when I think they sound good. I don't ever play with them because I can't sing or play or whatever, but I pay attention.

If someone asked me to choose one of them to date, I would actually tell them none of them because I consider all of them to be my friends, and that's it. I mean I never really have been a girl to them. If I was honest, I'd say Jack. I haven't told anyone, not even Alex, that I have the smallest crush on him. Okay, it's not that small, but I'm good at not showing it. Sometimes I think he flirts with me, sometimes I can't tell, but he still makes me nervous.

Like the guys are all super close so they do things like cuddle and hug and weird things that people would consider them "gay" for. Everyone already thinks Jack is gay because he wears girl jeans. Hey, if he can pull them off, then I'm all for it. And he looks better than I do in girl jeans so more power to him.

I'm the closest with Alex, I consider him to be my secret holder. He's the best at keeping his mouth shut. Rian and Zack tell each other everything, they're like best bros to the max. Jack and Alex are like that, but Alex knows how to keep secrets. I still haven't told him about the thing with Jack, but maybe I will one day.

Jack is in my first hour, and I got there rather late. I didn't have time to grab breakfast, so I got it on the way here. Breakfast burritos are bad for me, I know, but they taste like heaven, so leave me alone.

"Hey," I exhaled as I took my spot next to him. We were in the back of the classroom, class was going to start any minute.

"Hey," Jack turned to me and smiled. The kind of smile where his eye twitches up at the corner, so you know it's for real. The kind that set off butterflies.

"How was that date with what's-her-name?" I asked him. I'm genuinely concerned, but I secretly hope it went terrible.

"Terrible." Score. I'm a horrible human being. "Charlotte's a bitch."

"I told you!" I playfully punched his arm, then got out my notebook for the class. "Did you do the homework?"

"We had homework?"


"Fuck! I forgot."

"I did too." I laughed and so did he, and the teacher settled us down to start class. It droned on and on, and I had to take solace in doodling in my notebook.

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