Rooftop Love

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ayyyy could you do one where you and Jack are bestfriends and you are sitting on the roof of his house drunk. You end up making out and giving each other hickys. When you wake up next morning you want to leave because you think Jack only made out with you because he was drunk but before you can leave Jack confesses his love! (i hope that makes sense and sorry for my bad english)

AN So I'm super tired cuz I got like three hours of sleep last night, but I promised you guys an imagine and I will fulfill! The conversation is between you and Jack in the beginning of the story. Jack's gonna look like Dirty Work Jack in this one. Just imagine Time Bomb.

Warning: alcohol mention

Your POV

Here I was on the top of Jack's house. He didn't know I was here. He would soon because I brought baby Jack with me. Baby Jack as in Jack Daniels. I came up here to think a lot. Jack didn't know I was up here all the time. Sometimes he did, it just depended on whether or not I wanted him to know.

My roof wasn't a good roof to sit on. For one thing, I couldn't get to it. For another, Jack's felt better. That sounds wrong, let me explain.

Jack is my very best friend. We've been really tight since as long as I can remember. When I got lonely or sad I came up here to think. Now I'm up here to drink. I didn't intend to invite him up here, but I guess my drunk mind craved him.

I had about four shots in a row, and it was really starting to hit me, so I decided to text Jack, asking him to come up with me. He probably was really confused, but this isn't the first time I've done this. I was staring out into the neighborhood scrolling through my phone when Jack saw me.

"Y/N, why are you on my roof," he smirked. I looked over to where he was and he was looking at me from his balcony. "More importantly, how did you get there?"

"That's not important," I slurred, rolling over to face him. "Now get up here and join me."

"You're already drunk? How the fuck did you already get that drunk, you're such a lightweight." He giggled to himself as he pulled him up to where I was. I couldn't help but stare. The way his arms flexed when they brought his weight up to where I was. All I wanted was to be held by those arms.

That's the alcohol talking, Jack is my best friend.

"Here, give me some," Jack reached for my bottle that I was holding.

"No, this is the only Jack that will ever love me," I stuck out my tongue at him.

"What are you talking about , Y/N of course I love you."

"Yeah but baby Jack loves me more." I started to giggle, and he grabbed a hold of the bottle.

"Baby Jack? Really?" He chuckled for a bit, and drank some as I watched. "You didn't bring any shot glasses did you?"

"Of course I didn't, I'm on a fucking roof."

"Why the hell are you on my roof anyway?" He took a glance at me, and my heart skipped. Probably because of the alcohol.

"Sometimes I go here when I want to think."

"Don't you have your own roof."

"Yeah, but yours is better."

"How?" He bit his lip and pushed his hair back. My eyes wandered around his face until they lingered on his lips. Probably just wanted to know if he liked the alcohol.

"Cuz it's yours," I mumbled. Jack was sipping the baby jack and I was looking at anywhere but him. If I did look at him, I'd probably stare. I didn't want to stare.

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