Virgin Smut!

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Jack B smut where they have sex for the first time and she is a virgin but she never told Jack and he rough and then after he goes to bed and she starts crying and he wakes up and feels really bad when she tells him? Like cute and fluffy!

AN My shitty attempt at smut. It's gonna be great. This one is so cute in my opinion just because ahhh virgins. They're adorable. Everyone's adorable. Girls, guys. Jack fucking Barakat. Just everyone. Even puppies man. Even puppies. Sorry it's so long, I was having fun with the plotline of this one.

Jack's POV

Tonight was finally the night that Y/N and I were finally going to have sex. Thank god. I was beginning to wonder if she found me sexually attractive at all. I mean it's not like sex is the most important thing ever, but I thought that we'd do it by now. Usually that's how my relationships start, but I couldn't help myself when I saw her standing there at the bar. She was so beautiful standing there. I had to ask her to come to my place.

But it turned out that we just talked. We sat down on my bed, and I made awkward small talk. But she didn't do small talk almost like it wasn't in her vocabulary. She answered every small question with an elaborate story. I couldn't stop talking to her, her voice was addictive. I just had to hear more. We had been going out on dates for two months, and each night that we went to either her or my house, it never ended sexually. We just talked. It was amazing. But last night, the topic of sex came up.

"What are we?" she asked me.

"More than friends, I hope," I responded. We have kissed several times, and the way we flirt could hardly be described as friends.

"Well, yeah, I know that."

I exhaled.

"But are we like, dating?"

"I would say that's the next step up from friends, skipping the whole friends with benefits step, because we kind of ruined that when we didn't have sex the first time we hung out." She laughed nervously and quickly looked around the room.

"Do you want to?" she asked quietly.


"Do you want to have sex?" She looked up at me, her cheeks were flushed, and she was hiding behind her hair.

"Of course I do." I looked at her, clueless of what she was saying.

"With me?"

I laughed a bit. "Hell yeah."

She blushed and flopped down on the bed. "D-do you w-want to.. tomorrow? You know.. To give me time to.. Prepare."

I chuckled and kissed the top of her forehead. "Of course, babe. Wouldn't want anyone else."

She blushed deeply and all I could think was how fucking adorable this girl was. She was literally asking me to have sex with her. I couldn't help but smile the rest of the time I was there. She didn't need time to prepare, but that doesn't bother me any. Whatever makes her happy, makes me happy.

I was getting ready for tonight. Cologne sprayed, not too strongly. My hair was soft for once. Everything felt right. This was going to be perfect, like it was worth it to wait this long. I was driving to her house, and on the way singing my favorite Blink 182 songs. First Date definitely fit the situation here.

When I arrived, I walked to her front porch. I didn't really know what to do, whether to knock, ring the doorbell, or to just walk in. Thankfully, she opened the door right when I got there.

"Hey, babe." I kissed her cheek as she let me inside. She wore her hair up in a ponytail and sweat pants along with a long sleeve shirt. She didn't make any stops along the way. She sure as hell was determined. Maybe she liked it rough. She was so serious. She brought me into her room and sat me down on the bed.

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