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Ok cool so you know insecure where Jack was insecure and stuff well could you do on where your insecure and I don't care if it ends in smut or not

AN Requested by bandgeekgirlygamer on wattpad. Well it's not long, but it's cute af. I love cheering people up and making them smile, especially when it works. Remember friends, you're not alone, no matter how alone you may feel. My ask is always open, I'm ready to talk about anything, whether it's your personal life or your fangirl, or if you just wanna tell me how your day went. I'm all ears. Well, eyes. My ears can't hear typed out words. UNLESS I tell it to. Which would be weird, let's not do that. But yeah, I hope you enjoy friends <3

Jack's POV

Going to my girlfriend's house has got to be the highlight of my week thus far. I've been on tour for so long and finally I get to see her and only her. And we'll be alone and we'll watch movies and we'll talk into the dark hours of the night. I'm just so happy that I get to spend this day with her.

When I got to her house though, she was nowhere to be found. I called her name, I looked around, and nothing. Absolutely nothing. I climbed up to check her room one last time, and I could've sworn that I saw a blanket move from under the bed. I lifted up the covers and there she was, my beautiful baby girl, huddled up in a ball.

"Y/N," I called out softly to her. She didn't budge. "Y/N, it's me. It's Jack. I'm here." Her body rolled over and she stared up at me with tired eyes. "What's wrong, babe? Have you been crying?"

She nodded slowly and huddled the blanket she was cuddling for a long time. I put my hand sympathetically on her shoulder and she tensed up. "Baby.." I whispered, my voice soft. "What's wrong? What happened?"

She started to sniffle, but clutched her blanket harder. I saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. "I've been thinking.." Uh oh, that's never a good start. "I've just been thinking too much, Jack. Help me."

"What do you mean? How can I help? I'm here, love. I'm here."

She crawled out from under the bed, her blanket not far behind. She told me how she always found solace in blankets when I wasn't there to hold her. They gave her a sense of security. Her arms left the comfort and wrapped around me instead. "I missed you," she mumbled in my neck.

"I missed you too," I whispered. My arms were tight around her waist. She pulled away from me and gave me a sly grin.

"Macaroni and cheese?" she asked, grinning.

"Of course." We stood up and wandered into the kitchen, preparing to make anything and everything. She grabbed the boxes off the shelf and I heated the water. We always made mac and cheese together when I got home, it was like an unspoken tradition. When it was finished we brought both our bowls and sat on the bed, criss crossed.

The television was on as we ate our noodles. I watched mindlessly but let my mind wander. Why was she huddled under the bed? What was she thinking about that made her so sad? All I wanted to do was to instantly cheer her up, and I couldn't even do that much.

"What're you thinking about?" she asked, her voice suddenly interrupting my thoughts.

"Just.. Nothing really."

"Tell me, Jack." She had a concerned look on her face, so I sighed and muted the television.

"I'm worried about you, Y/N."

She cocked her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that when I found you coming home, you were under the bed, huddling a blanket, that's usually a red flag that something is wrong."

"I missed you," she mumbled.

"I missed you too, but you know that's not enough to make you do that. It's gotta be something you thought about yourself. Tell me, what exactly was going through your mind?"

"I was hiding," she whispered, barely audible.

"From what?" I matched her volume.

"My thoughts." She started to choke up, but she shoved her tears down. Instantly my arms went around her to comfort her. She started to cry and her muffled sobs came out against my shirt. "How did I deserve someone as great as you, Jack? How?"

"Y/N, love, people don't 'deserve' anyone. They get who loves them. That's why some people end up in bad relationships, they love what loves them. You got me, and I got you, we love each other, it's as simple as that, right?"

She clutched tightly on my shirt, it was for sure soaked with tears, but none of that mattered now. All that mattered was she saw that we were here and we weren't leaving each other. "But Jack. How could you even want me. I'm fat, hideous, ugly."

"Y/N," I used my stern voice. "You and I both know that's not true. You're the prettiest girl I know. In my eyes. That's all that should matter right? You don't see your beauty, but I do. I see it in your eyes, when you smile up at me." I brushed the side of her face lightly with my thumb. "I see it in smile when you smile at me." I brushed her lips with my thumb as well. "I feel it in my lips, when you kiss me." I pecked a small kiss to her lips. I feel it inside me when we have sex, when I touch you, everything I feel is electricity and it's beautiful. You're beautiful. Who cares if you've got extra lumps or curves. Your beauty is not defined by the size of your jeans."

She tried to interrupt me: "But Jack, I-"

"Beauty is defined by what's in your heart. And from what I can tell, by seeing it, or by touching it," my hand went to her breast. "I can tell that it's something I want to know for the rest of my life. Your eyes and your hair and your smile. They're what make you, you. And what make you beautiful."

She sighed into my arms, holding tightly onto me. "How am I going to remember all that when you're gone?" She breathed heavily against my chest, worn out from crying.

"Simple, Y/N. You don't have to. Just call me, I'll be there to answer. If I'm at a show, just ask me, and I'll hold my phone out to the crowd and I'll tell all of them to yell they love you, just so you can see how many people care about you, and they don't even know who you are." I booped her nose, and she gave me a light smile. "They ship us."

"Some of them don't," she pouted.

"That's the dark side of Twitter, we must never go there, Simba."

I got her to laugh and she was cracking up in my arms, her face tear stained and her nose runny. She's never looked so beautiful. She's never felt so beautiful. I love her. "I love you, Y/N. You know that, right?"

"Yeah," she breathed. It was quiet all of a sudden. "Yeah, I know."

"And you love me too?" my eyes rose as my smile did.

"Of course," she giggled.

"So there's no reason for us not to be together. There's no reason that you don't deserve me, or I don't deserve you. We love each other. That's all that matters."

"Yeah," she sighed, content. "I guess it is."  

Jack Barakat ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now