Loss and Grief

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Can u make a jack b imagine where hes ur bf but dont love u much bc hes afraid he might get broken u confronts him & end up getting into fight then u leave & gets into car accident & die then do the fluff stuff where jack regrets the things he didnt do?

AN Holy shit guys way to ruin me. You and your sad imagines make me sad, damn. But friends, you know how people are like "learn to love yourself before you love someone else?" in one way that's true, because you can't fully accept someone's love until you understand what they love. But in another way it's not. You don't need to love yourself in order for someone to find your flaws beautiful. Don't stress about it too much, it really messes with the head. But just because you don't find yourself beautiful, doesn't mean that other people won't as well. And while confidence is attractive so is all your damn fine personalities. So don't worry about a thing friends. Anyway, enjoy the imagine, I love you all individually and with all my heart xx

Your POV

It's hard being in a relationship with someone who's holding back. I can physically feel Jack holding back on what we are. When we kiss, it's timid, and not passionate. When we have sex, his eyes look like they would rather be focused on someone hotter. I don't know why I don't feel loved by him. Something felt like he was holding back, and I was determined to find out what.

After hours of waiting for him to text me, I finally just decided to go to his house. We were supposed to meet today, but Jack often blows me off, claiming that he either forgot or that something came up and he wouldn't be bothered to text me.

It hurts to know that you're giving your all in a relationship with someone who won't try even remotely hard for you. I don't know what he's afraid of, but I've been with him this long, and the fact that he won't see that I'm still not going to leave isn't going to help matters any.

Driving to Jack's was faster than I wanted it to be. When I got there, his car was there. He probably didn't even bother to get out of bed. Why am I trying so hard for someone that won't even give me the time of day?

I don't bother to ring the bell or knock; he wouldn't come down anyway. So I barge into his home unannounced. "Jack?" I call out. He's either in one of two places. Either in his room asleep or watching TV. "Jack, where the fuck are you, this isn't funny."

"I never said it was," I heard his voice coming from the couch, and when I wandered over to see where he was, he was already dressed, just playing on his phone. Obviously ignoring my frantic texts. Asshole.

"What the fuck, I thought we were going to do something. Didn't you see my fucking texts?"



"And what?"

"And you decided to ignore them? That's fucked up. If you didn't want to be with me today, you could have just said it."

"What purpose would that bring?" His tone was bored. Why do I even bother with this prick.

"Do you even care about me? Like at all?"

"Of course I do, you're my girlfriend."

"Oh really? Because I don't feel like your girlfriend. Be honest with me Jack, am I just a fuck for you? A stress reliever? Because when we agreed on this relationship, we both agreed to go in all the way."

"These aren't wedding vows, chill your shit." Jack's tone was pissing me off more than usual. It was like our time together meant nothing to him.

"Do you even love me?" I stood in front of him so he had to look at me. He stood up and when he walked closer, I walked back. I was determined to keep a distance between us. To be honest, fights like these always happened. But Jack ended up saying sweet stupid things and I always forgave him. Until he pulled the exact same bullshit again. It was like I was stuck in a perpetual deja vu zone, and there was no way to even maneuver out of it.

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