Your Wedding Day with Jack

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It's your and jacks wedding day and your ex shows up and wants you back and you say no and that you're not gping anywhere without jack? Maybe little happy tears from jacky?

AN: Dude I don't know why, but I had to write this. It was so adorable and cute I needed to finish it. It's two in the morning. Yay! Sleep is for the weak. BTW Anything in italics is a flashback


It was the day. Finally the day. Jack and I were at last getting married. We had been engaged for two years now, but thanks to his tour schedules and my job being so busy, we kept having to push it back. But we were finally doing it. I looked at myself in the mirror, with my friends, mom, and sister around me. My dress was white with a black strip of fabric down the middle starting at the bottom of the breast. It was gorgeous, silk, and simplistic, just what I had wanted.

"You look stunning, Y/N," my sister complimented.

I smiled a warm smile. "Thanks."

"See that smile?" My mom said. "That's how you know she's in love. Why can't you find love like that?" She turned to my sister.

"Well, maybe because I don't know any rockstars, mom," My sister replied snarkily.

My mom mocked her in a high pitched voice, and we went on to finish my hair.

My hair was dark brown with bright blonde highlighted streaks through it. They curled all of it and put it up except for my bangs and two strands of hair on the sides.

"I love it," I smiled at myself.

"Good!" My mom clapped. "Now let me and your sister go to see how Jack and the boys are doing." And they left.

I was standing there admiring my reflection, wondering how they could finally make me pretty for once. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Y/N?" I heard a voice call. The person opened the door and I froze. It was him. He came back. Oh shit.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N, it's not you, it's me, okay? I just don't think things are working out between us."

"Working out? Working out! Jason, YOU were the one who fucking slept with that slut! And YOU'RE breaking up with ME? What the actual fuck, I had the fucking balls to stay with you after what you did, and you're breaking it off. I bet it's for her isn't it. She wants you, and since she's easy you're getting her. You know what? I don't fucking care anymore, go have fun with your whore. Bye."

"Y/N, It's not like that. It's just things aren't going well for me I just think we need a break. I still want to be friends, is that okay?"

"Of course it's not fucking okay! How the hell do you expect me to be in love with someone who just cheats whenever and breaks up with people they've been going out with for THREE FUCKING YEARS like that. I can't. If you want it to be over, it's over. Bye, Jason. Have a nice fucking life.

Half a year after that, I had met Jack at a bar. And he was so sweet to me and nice. We hit it off right away. Though it took a bit to get us dating since he had also been through a bad break-up, we eventually got together, and here we were. On our wedding day. The only thing that went wrong was That.

"What the fuck do you want." I growled at him.

"I just want to talk to you," he said quietly.


"I miss you."

"I don't."

"Well I do. I haven't been the same since you left. I miss your smell, and the way you talked to me like I was important. The way you kissed me with your soft lips. I miss you."

"That's too fucking bad, because if you haven't noticed, this is my wedding day, and I'm supposed to be marrying the love of my life. Not you."

"But I want to be the love of your life."

"You should've thought of that before you slept with someone else and then broke up with me for her."

"Please, Y/N? I swear I'm a changed man."

"Well, that sucks for you, because unless you're into polygamy, then I'm not going with you. I'm not going anywhere without Jack."


"No. I'm done talking to you. This is my wedding day, and the only tears I will be crying are tears of joy. So back the fuck off, and leave me alone." I shoved out past him and marched down the stairs of the house my wedding was at. We were having a nice backyard wedding at Jack's parent's house. I wasn't gonna cry. And I didn't cry because of him.

Jack's POV

It was the day of our wedding, mine and Y/N's. She was so beautiful, and I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to call her my own. She had told me about her past relationships, and I couldn't believe anyone could throw away someone as perfect as her.

I heard the music start, and an instrumental version of "Without You" by My Darkest Days started to play.I was weary at first, but when she showed me the song, it instantly became one of my favorites, and I had to have it at our wedding.

First came the bridesmaids with the groomsmen. Y/N's sister with Rian, her friend, Jade, with Zack. Then came the maid of honor with the best man. Alex with her best friend, Sam. They made their way down the aisle, and followed closely by Alex and Sam was Y/N with her father. Her dad was nice, but he had a serious look on his face.

Y/N kept walking a little faster than him to get to me, and her dad kept pulling her back. I laughed to myself. Goddamn she sure was adorable.

As soon as she got up to the front with the priest and me, she started shifting back and forth, which is what she did when she was nervous. I had to keep my tears back so I wouldn't ruin it. It's a bad time to choke up.

By the time the priest got through all his words and we both got through our vows, it was time for the rings and the best part.

"Do you, Jack Bassam Barakat take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife to love and to cherish in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you, Y/N, take Jack Barakat, to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and to cherish in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?"

"Hell yes!" I heard a soft chuckle in the background.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

We shared the most passionate kiss we had ever had the pleasure of knowing. She jumped on me and I caught her and spun her around while people cheered. When we pulled apart, I couldn't stop the tears, they just flowed out. I was so happy. Her face glistened with tears as well, and I could tell right then and there; this was the woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and I couldn't have asked for anything better.

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