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Can you do one where y/n has Tourettes syndrome (because yeh i do lol) & her tics get worse the more nervous she gets and jacks calming her down, the storyline behind that is up to you if you do it

AN Ah man, if I knew what kind you had, that would be helpful, but I'll do what I can man. Look at Jack, the cute little turtle. The story line I've chosen is your wedding. Be prepared to be overflowed with cuteness. No text message for this one, just pure cuteness.

Your POV

Jack and I have been together for three years now. About two and a half years into our relationship, Jack proposed. We waited quite a while 'til we would get married. Six months of my life was spent talking to people I didn't want to, contacting relatives I'd rather forget about, and make so many decisions my head would explode.

I didn't have a very easy time talking to all these people. I was diagnosed with Tourettes Syndrome when I was around seven or eight. It came from my dad's side, and miraculously I was the only one who had it out of my two brothers. It started off with something small like an eye twitch, but by the time I was around 12 it had gotten worse.

My tics came and went, sometimes I had periods of time where I didn't even have any. I really liked those times. It didn't calm my nervousness, but it did make me feel better.

Right now, all I had was a brief muscle spasm of my shoulder. I never had vocal Tourettes, but muscle spasms I did. Whenever I was talking about my wedding, my shoulder wouldn't stop moving. I had to take a deep breath to calm it. We talked about the flowers and the cake, there went my shoulder. I had to talk to my cousin that constantly pulled my hair when we were younger, and there it would go. It wasn't very helpful in efficiency, but the one thing that always seemed to calm it down was Jack. He could do it faster than anybody.

Today was the day, and I was putting my dress on for the most important moment in my life. The most important day in my life. Mrs. Barakat. That wasn't just going to be his mom's name anymore. I was finally going to be with the most wonderful man in my life.

And that terrified me.

I was nervous beyond belief. Jack was perfect in every way. Not perfect in a supermodel kind of way, but in a him sort of way. It reminds me of the song "Miles Away" by Memphis May Fire. I know they say that no one is perfect, but I swear she's perfect for me.

To be honest, whenever Jack left for tour and I didn't go with him, I listened to that song on endless repeat. But now we're getting married. Now we're going to be together. Now I'll be his and he'll be mine.

While looking into the mirror, all I could think of was him. His face was constantly appearing in my imagination. My nerves were getting the best of me and I could feel my shoulder going. Oh shit how the fuck am I supposed to go out there now, I'm a wreck.

I looked over at my mom who was helping me with my clothes, and she had that look on her face. She knew. My eyes started to well up with tears. She knew what was coming onto me. It wouldn't stop and it was just getting worse which was in turn making me more nervous which made it worse. An endless fucking cycle of nerves.

I looked pleadingly over at my mother, and she nodded quietly, knowing exactly what to do. I knew the groom couldn't see the bride before the wedding, it was bad luck. But what if he didn't technically see me? I grabbed the bathrobe sitting on the chair.

My mom came in with Jack by her side. He looked scared for a second when he saw me a spasming mess, but soon his face relaxed as he knew exactly what to do. I looked up at my mom, and she was already gone, leaving us alone in the room. I was crying and he was there holding my hand. Just like he has been for six months.

"Hey, Y/N, it's okay, don't cry," he whispered to me, moving his thumb over my hand, making it feel better.

"I'm t-trying," I breathed. He nodded and kneeled so that he was holding my hand, facing me.

"It'll be okay, Y/N. It'll be okay. Breathe in and out. I'm here for you, I'm not going anywhere."

I nodded, not able to say anything. Having Jack just being there helped me. He didn't even have to say anything if he didn't want to. He just liked to.

He stood up and I stood up too. My shoulder was quieting down, and he put his hand on it to soothe it more. It worked.

"You're going to be okay, and I will be there with you every step of the way." He gave me his dorky smile, and I couldn't help but grin. He had that effect on me. He hugged me, and I hugged him back. When we pulled away, he kissed me on the cheek. "I don't want to smear any more makeup." I giggled.

He turned around and opened the door, letting my mother back in. She's gonna need some time to repair all the damage my face has caused now. At least my hair was fine.

Jack's POV

It didn't bother me at all about Y/N's tics. It was just something we had to overcome. Today was our day. I knew she'd have some issues, she's been having them while we plan. Today was extra special, so she'd be nervous, it was natural.

I was surprised when Y/N's mom asked me to help calm her down. Y/N was insistent that we didn't see each other before the ceremony. But even in a bathrobe, she still was beautiful.

After I calmed her down, her mom took over and started to fix her back up. I went to wait in the room where the groomsmen were. Alex, Rian, and Zack were all there. Alex was my best man. Luckily Y/N's maid of honor was engaged to Alex. We just happened to get it done before they did.

The anticipation was getting to me. After about an hour of waiting, the priest finally comes in our room and tells us that it's time. My smile spreads across my face, and we leave to the ceremonial hall.

I stand up at the front with the priest. Everyone takes their spot as the audience. The music plays and the bridesmaids walk down holding the arm of each of my three best friends. The music switches and everyone stands up to look at the bride. Y/N. My wife-to-be.

She's walking down on her father's arm and is looking at the floor. A habit she has to control her tics. She glances up at my face, and my grin could never be wider. She had that effect on me. Whenever she was around I wanted to smile and laugh and hold her as close as I could. I could see her excitement on her face, and it felt like their walk would never end.

They made it to the altar, and everyone sat down. I saw her shoulder shake slightly, and out my hand on it. It stopped almost instantly. She looked up into my face gratefully and I smiled down at her.

The priest read the ceremony, and I don't think we ever took our eyes off of each other. We read our vows, and she seemed to do it without letting her nerves get the best of her. I couldn't stop grinning like a fool as she listed off all the reasons why she loved me.

It was my turn now. "Y/N." I cleared my throat. "You are the light of my life. You are who I want to spend my life with. You are the one who encourages me to get up in the morning, to make it through each day. I love you more than I could ever express. Nothing is beautiful enough to give my words the meaning they need. Just know that I will always be here to calm you down. If you're having an attack, just call me. No matter where I am in the world, I will always find a way to contact you. I pledge to keep that promise as long as I can. I love you so much."

The priest looked at both of us and smiled kindly. "Do you, Y/N, take Jack Bassam Barakat to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?"

"I do." She bit her lip in anticipation.

"Do you, Jack Bassam Barakat, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife." He looked over at me. "You may kiss the bride."

I held Y/N by the waist and pulled her in for a soft slow kiss. When everybody started clapping, I picked her up and spun her around whilst still kissing her. We broke away, and grinned at each other before turning to the rest of the church.

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