Jack and Alex Fight

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Could you please write one of Alex and Jack fighting over the same girl. And she ends up with Jack? I don't know if that's enough information. So yeah sorry.

AN Sorry for not posting this last night like I was supposed to, my mom dragged me to hot yoga and I passed out as soon as I got home. It was hard and I died, but I'm alive today, so new imagine coming your way! This took a bit longer than I intended, but people invited me out for once so, there's that. The conversation is between Jack and Alex, and I'm sorry that Alex was such a dick for most of this. It was the only way I could justify Y/N picking Jack over him without feeling bad. Enjoy my lovelies xx

Your POV

Alex had invited me over to watch movies with him and Jack. They were two of my very best friends, so I didn't mind having fun with them. They were both really flirty whenever I went over there, but I assumed that they did that with all their friends. Rian and Zack were never overly nice like Jack and Alex were, but I guess that was the norm.

I drove to Alex's place and was just in my pyjamas with my hair up. I wore a little bit of makeup because I never really liked going out without at least a little bit of eyeliner on. I parked the car and wandered to Alex's front door. I rang the doorbell because I really wasn't one of those people who could walk in. I like to consider myself kind of like a vampire.

I expected Alex to open it, you know, since it was his house, but I guess Jack beat him to it. The door opened and the tall familiar black haired string bean greeted me.

"You look beautiful tonight, Y/N" Jack smiled.

"You are extra cheesy tonight, Jack," I giggled. I pushed past him to get in the house. I never took their compliments seriously, they were my best friends.

"Ah, Jack!" Alex called from the kitchen. "I wanted to be the one to let her in, it's my house!"

"Too slow, bro." Jack called back, not taking his eyes off me.

"Am I underdressed or something?" I looked down at my clothes then at Jack's. He looked a lot nicer than I did.

"Nah, I just felt like being casually fancy today." He winked at me and I just shrugged. I went to go on the couch, and waited for Alex to return before the movie went on. Jack turned off the lights, and it gave me a feeling that this was setting the mood. I don't know what mood it was setting, but there was something.

Alex came into the room holding a plate with food on it. It was around dinner time, and my stomach was empty so I was grateful. He came and sat down in between me and Jack, even though there wasn't a whole lot of room.

"Alex, what the hell?" Jack half laughed half scoffed. Was he really upset? I don't know I can't ever tell.

"I just wanted to sit next to my favorite person is all," Alex grinned at him, a little too evilly.

I "awed" at his statement, and I think Jack glared at him for a split second. It was dark, but I could see it was there.

Alex put the food he made on the coffee table in front of us. "I made it because I knew it was your favorite, Y/N," Alex told me.

I smiled and said thank you, but Jack rolled his eyes. Was there something going on that I didn't know about?

"Alright, this is going to bother me all day if we don't sort this out now," I announced, looking at both of them. I stood up and sat between them so they could both look at me.

They peered at each other and looked down at me. "What?" They both said in synchronization.

"You know what, there's this weird tension between you two, you need to sort it out."

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