The Boyfriend Tag

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Can you write an imagine, if it's not too much trouble of course, where y/n is dating Jack and she's a youtuber (she makes videos about make up and stuff) and since jack has appeared in some of her vlogs they end up doing the boyfriend tag?

AN So I told you guys I'd post yesterday, but to be honest, I wasn't feeling very well, so I decided I'd post today, but to make up for not posting yesterday, I'll post again tomorrow, so you get the same amount of imagines! Yay! Also I looked up the boyfriend tag, and honestly it's the cutest thing ever. You should look it up if you haven't :] Also since this is an imagine and you're supposed to be the main character of the story, if you see this: [____] then that means you insert the answer you would have given, sound good?

Your POV

"And Jack has promised to be in the next video as a victim, I know how much you guys all love Jack," I laughed and spoke into the camera. "But that's it for this video, thank you guys so much, bye!"

I turned off the camera and plugged it into my laptop to edit and upload, something I did a lot lately. I run a vlog that shows tips about makeup, and sometimes I have Jack here and he acts as the dummy I show it on. He looks really good in eyeliner, to be honest. They always seem to love it when he's here.

After I posted it, I was scrolling through the comments to see what people had said, and one person suggested we do the boyfriend tag. I looked at the responses to those, and figured I'd do it, a lot of people were on board.

So I tweeted out to my follower asking for questions we could ask each other. I invited Jack over to talk about it, and when he showed up, we did so. On the floor. In my living room.

"Jack I have a challenge for you," I told him.

"You've told me. What is it? I'm excited."

"Do you know what the boyfriend tag is?"


"We ask each other questions about ourselves to see if we can get them right and it's a lot more fun if you have food to throw at each other if you get it wrong. Do you wanna?"

"I get to throw food at you? Hell yeah! I'm in."

I giggled and grabbed my phone to look for questions to come up with by myself. We were going to do it the next day. Jack started to do the same thing, and we laid there for about an hour searching for questions. We had to decide what food to throw at each other if we got it wrong, and I feel like we decided well.

When the next day came, Jack came over and we decided to film it in my front yard so I wouldn't have to clean up later. Jack and I set the tripod up to record ourselves. We put the food in front of us, and sat down.

"You ready?" I asked him.

He nodded and giggled, clearly ready for the challenge. I nodded and turned on the camera to record.

"Hey, what's up, it's Y/N, and surprisingly we're not doing makeup today, but as promised Jack is here and he's ready to make things interesting."

Jack waved at the camera. "Heyooo!"

I smiled and continued playing with the packages of things in my hands. "So we're doing the boyfriend tag as some of you have suggested. This is Jack. He's my boyfriend. You knew that already though."

"We are truly dating," Jack interjected.

"Thank you for that." I giggled and continued. "So we both came up with five questions to ask each other and then we were going to do three or so from Twitter from you guys."

"And if we get it wrong," Jack was excited about this part. "The first offence is a slap in the face with a piece of ham, the second offence is a handful of spray cheese on the face, and the third on up is whipped cream in a pie platter."

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