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Hiiii! So I requested an imagine awhile ago and I didn't see it on the list you posted. It was that y/n was on the tour bus hanging out with the guys one night and she kind of falls asleep but overhears the boys talking about her and jack and jack says he loves her blah blah fluffy stuff. Sorry if I'm annoying. Love your blog. x

AN Sorry for my shitty updating guys, I recently started a zero hour class, and last night I got like one hour of sleep, that was a terrible idea. So I have to wake up earlier which means writing these earlier too. I'm sorry that I've made you guys wait for forever I feel like a terrible updater :( I hope you guys still read these like you used to and enjoy them to the fullest :) BTW @ anon, I'm so so sorry that it took this long to get your request, I couldn't find it anywhere :( I'm setting this in high school with fetus atl I hope you guys don't mind

Your POV

My three best friends had invited me over to watch a movie. Again. They just couldn't get enough of our movie nights. Even though we had one yesterday and ended up staying up until all hours of the night, here we were again, watching the same television screen.

Rian's mom didn't care if we came over and ate snacks and watched a couple of movies, but I was beyond tired from the night before. No matter what happened, I always ended up sitting next to Jack. Like one of the guys would get up, and when they'd come back they'd go to a different seat, leaving me to sit next to Jack. Countless times they've done this.

The movie was kind of quiet and it was lulling me into a sleep, and before long I had fallen asleep on Jack's shoulder. I was half awake given that Alex was squealing like a girl when I passed out.

"Oooh, look, Jack, she's on your shoulder," I heard Rian tease.

Jack tsked. "So?"

"You guys sure are leveling up in your friendship."

"Admit it Jack," Alex butted in. "You like her and you want her to have your babies."

"What the fuck, Alex, no, no I don't." I felt him look over at Zack who was just throwing a hackey sack up in the air to catch it. "Aren't you going to back me up on this man?"

"Nope," Zack said, continuing to toss the thing in the air. "You love her, you just won't admit it."

"I can't believe you guys," Jack sighed, exasperated. "Y/N falls on my shoulder once and all of a sudden you want us to get married."

"Dude," Alex started again. "You talk about her nonstop while she's gone, what's stopping you from doing it now. Look, she's asleep." I felt Alex poke me hard, but I tried my best to appear asleep. After everything they were talking about, I didn't want to fall asleep and miss anything. Maybe Jack did like me? Did I like him back?

"What if she's faking?" Jack retorted in a hushed tone.

"Who would fake something like that? Just admit you love her, Jack, it's not that hard."

"It's harder than you think," he grumbled. I tried to get my heart to stop from beating super fast, I really did.

"Oh, so you admit to being in love," Rian smirked. I could hear it in his voice, always trapping Jack with his words.

"What? No, I didn't say that. Goddammit, Rian, I'm about ready to punch you in the face." I couldn't decide when I wanted to wake up to surprise him or not. Do I tell him that I heard him, or do I act like nothing ever happened.

I started to stir to show them that I was waking up. I heard Jack intensely shush everyone in the room. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and looked up at Jack, my hair messy and my eyes droopy. "Oops, sorry I drooled on your shirt."

"It's fine, I got a million of 'em anyway," Jack shrugged. He tried to keep his cool, but it was seeming to prove ineffective. Everyone was acting weird, and even if I was asleep this would be weird behavior for them.

"What's going on, guys?" I asked my friends as they all stared at me. "Why are you looking at me?"

I saw their eyes flick from me to Jack, back and forth. I looked at Jack and his face was super red, and he was trying to hide his embarrassment.

"What's up, Jack, why do you look like I just insulted your mother?"

"I gotta go," was all he said when he sprang up to run to the kitchen. He vanished from sight, as did Alex, Rian, and Zack, leaving me alone in the living room to brood. What the hell was happening that they didn't want me to listen to? I went up to the door and heard loud agressive whispering. Ah yes, the teenaged boy version of whispering.

"Alex, shut up. Shut up, Alex. Alex, if you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to smack you." Jack was saying this over and over as Alex was basically fangirling over us.

"You're like the perfect couple! I ship you. Zack and Rian ship you, just ask her out already, damn."

"I'm not asking her out! I don't even like her that way."

I let out a stifled laugh and made my cough sound like "bullshit," but none of them came out to investigate. Jack wouldn't be trying this hard if he didn't like me, he's got to. I mean I wouldn't turn him down if he did..

"You are such a liar, Jack it's not even funny," Rian commented, I heard his voice get closer to the door, so I ran over to the couch and jumped on it like I wasn't listening at all.

"What's Jack lying about?" I called from my position.

All three of them said in unision: "Nothing!" as I just shrugged my shoulders. The night went on, and Jack kept taking sideways glances at me, and it was really making me curious. If he wanted to make a move, he could. Nothing was stopping him.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, lightly stroking his arm with my finger as we tried to watch the movie. Jack was beginning to grow restless under me, so I put my legs on top of him and stretched out over the couch.

After about five minutes of trying to do anything, Jack stood up and whispered to me: "Follow me," and left to go in the kitchen. I looked at all of our other friends, and they were all engrossed in the movie, so I stood up and followed him.

"Look, Jack," I started to explain, but was cut off by his mouth meeting mine, connecting us in the most intimate way we could with clothes on. His hands were on my ass, his tongue was wandering my mouth, my hands were tangled in his hair. I didn't even need an explanation, I just needed him closer to me.

We made out hot and heavy for a long time, until Alex was starting to get suspicious, because he came in the kitchen, and Jack immediately pushed me away, embarrassed as hell that that actually happened. I was just confused, stumbling around.

Alex stopped at the door, gave us both a look, then turned around to walk back out the door. Jack and I looked to each other and shrugged before we started making out again. Before long, the door opened again, and I heard a snap. We stopped kissing and turned around and there were our three best friends standing there with stupid smiles on their faces.

"Did you get it, Zack?" Alex asked him as he peered over his shoulder. Zack showed him the finished product and Alex nodded in approval. "Alright, let's leave them alone. OTP, Jack. OTP." They walked out leaving Jack and I to stare at each other once again.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked him.

"Uh. I don't know?" He said it more like a question than anything else and I just shrugged.

"I liked it," I whispered, removing my gaze from his own.

"Me too," he nodded. I looked back up at him, and he came closer to me, his hands on my waist as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on my nose. "You're cute," he smirked.

"Shut up and kiss me, Barakat." He laughed and pulled my chin up to his lips before he continued our kiss, moving his tongue along mine and making me feel like the happiest person in the world.

Jack Barakat ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now