Jack Gets Protective

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Can you do a Jack Barakat imagine where y/n &him are hanging out & he leaves y/n to get something from the store. Then these guys start talking to y/n & being touchy with her. But Jack tells the guys to back off & then they go home and cuddle:)

AN This was seriously so cute to write OMG. Okay so Jack is a little peeved in this, and I feel if he was ever mad, he'd probably either bite his lip or lick his lips a lot. Idk just a hunch. The conversation is between you and your friend, whoever you want it to be, and you're trying to entertain yourself while Jack is shopping.

Your POV

Jack and I were at the mall, and I was slurping on my milkshake and he was eating pizza. We had been here to get my little cousin a present from Build-a-Bear Workshop, and I wanted him to come along. He was munching on his food and I was looking around scoping the area out.

"Okay, what about him?" I asked Jack.

"He looks like a douche," Jack stated abruptly.

"Not important. Give me his backstory."

"His mom left when he was really little so ever since then he's had mommy issues. His dad never treated him how to respect women, or anyone for that matter. When he was in high school, he called people fag and picked on them a lot. Never got a real personality."

"Ouch, rash." I laughed and he laughed with me. This was a game we'd constantly play when we were out in public. We'd find strangers and give them a backstory. One went as far as spending an entire day to discuss their life. Jack and I enjoyed ourselves.

"Oh shit," Jack muttered.


"I totally forgot. Zack's birthday is next month, and I don't know when I'll have time again to get him a present."

"So you're gonna get one now?"

"Yeah, I should. You stay here."

"What? Why?"

"Because it won't take that long if I go by myself. If I bring you with me, you'll take too long looking at things that aren't important."

"So not true! I'm just thorough."

"Too thorough. Stay."

I huffed in frustration. I knew he was right, I just don't like being on my own in public places. "What if I get kidnapped?" I inquired.

"You're not gonna get kidnapped, Y/N. Stay. I'll be back."

I slumped in my chair at the food court and took out my phone. Well now what was I supposed to do? I opened the app crossy roads and played until I bored myself to death. I was just scrolling through Tumblr when someone took the seat across from me. I thought it was Jack, so I looked up with a smile. It immediately fell when I realized who it was.

The same guy that we were discussing earlier was in front of me. I raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what's a beautiful babe like you doing sitting out here all alone?" He eyed me up and down. Gross.

"Waiting for my boyfriend to return."

"That skinny guy's your boyfriend?" He said it with a hint of disgust.

"Why do you care?"

He shrugged his douchey shoulders. "Just came to see if you wanted to get out of here and go back to my place."

"Um. No."

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun." He looked back at his friends and they nodded at him in approval. Ew.

"Did you not just hear me? I have a boyfriend."


"So no."

"Does it look like I care?"

"You should, if you were any type of decent human being at all. Which clearly, you're not."

"Exactly. Come back with me babe."

"I said no."

He inched closer to me and I pulled back. Suddenly his friends were behind me. This is it. I'm going to be kidnapped by shin high socks with stupid sandals and snapbacks. This is how I die.

"It'll be fun." He gave me a shit eating grin as he touched my thigh.

"Don't fucking touch me, you creep."

"Shut the fuck up bitch. Now I tried to be polite, you don't want me to get violent do you?

"You don't want me to scream, do you?"

His friends had their hands on my shoulders and my heart felt like it was gonna leap out of my throat and punch him in the face. I heard a familiar voice come up behind me and the douche's friends.

"Why the fuck are you touching my girl," Jack growled.

"We were just being friendly," Leader Douche told him.

"The look of panic on her face suggests otherwise. Back off."

They got up and left, and my shoulders came down from their tense position. "Jesus, I thought they were going to attack me."

"Good thing they didn't." Jack didn't say anything more, just grabbed my hand and pulled me to the elevators. I glanced at his face. He looked like he was going to burst with anger.

"So what did you get Zack?" I asked, trying to calm him down.

"I got him a bath bomb. I figure it'd be funny to give to him. I'll get him a real gift later." His expression eased, and I stood closer to him to let him know that I was safe.

"Thanks, Jack."

"For what?"

"Coming when you did."

"That's what she said. And you're welcome."

I laughed and punched him in the arm. "You adorable little weirdo."

We got home not too much later and I went immediately upstairs. He didn't follow me right away, but I knew he'd come soon. I took off my pants, because who likes to be home wearing pants, and climbed into my bed. Jack practically lived over here, so basically it was our bed.

He finally came and was holding a movie in his hand. "What'd you bring?" I asked him.

"Wedding Crashers." He grinned and took off his shirt. He put the movie in and came to the bed to lay down with me. He stretched his arm around me and pulled me close to his bare chest. He kissed the top of my head as I wrapped my arms around his chest.

"You know I love you right?" he asked me.

"Of course. And I love you too. I turned to look at him and his brown eyes were staring into mine. I kissed his nose and he gave me that breathtaking smile that made me weak in the knees. I laid back on his chest, and we continued to watch the movie until some point I must have fallen asleep.

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