Glasses Girl

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hey can u do one where y/n wears glasses but she hides it from Jack cuz she feels insecure bout them, and then one day she falls asleep with them one and Jack comes home early and is like awww she wear glasses and he takes them from her and runs around the house with her chasing after him but since she doesn't have her contacts in she bumps into a wall and Jack feels really guilty and shes like "Sorry i cant see for shit" then Jack asks why she hides it and then fluffy shit lol thanks babe

AN So IDK if you guys saw my post from my other blog (probs not) but I've decided that my imagines are going back to one every other day, (even though I didn't keep the one every day idea very well) and that I'll try to keep up with this schedule. School just started and so I won't have as much time anymore, but I'm still posting these. If you happen to follow my 5SOS imagines blog, then you'll still get an imagine every day it'll just be alternating, ya feel? Anyways, thanks so much for supporting, I love you guys. Requested by tumblr user: jalexisjalex. And also what do you guys think of Alex's first Tumblr post in what seems like forever? Either shoot me a message or reblog this and put what you think in the tags, I'm curious. Enjoy the imagine friends, I love you xx

Your POV

I already took my contacts out and I was trying to watch my favorite movie while I fell asleep. I didn't think I needed my glasses, but apparently I did because I'm not falling asleep for shit. I hated wearing glasses. I hated the way I looked in them, which was why I always wore contacts all the time. Even if it meant I had to fall asleep with them in.

Jack wasn't going to come home any time soon, so I had a chance to take a nap. But I couldn't fucking sleep so I grabbed my glasses from my bag and put them on. Now I can see the movie, but since I could see what was going on, I passed out because I already saw this like fifteen times.

I awoke to Jack standing over me, shaking me to wake up. I blinked a few times, but saw him smirking at me. "Wake up sleepyhead," he grinned.

"Why are you grinning like that, it's freaking me out," I told him yawning, stretching so I could get up.

"I didn't know you wore glasses, Y/N."

My hand smacked up to my face and sure enough they were still there. I groaned and threw them off my face before realizing I can't see and put them back on. I hate this, oh my god.

"It's okay, I think it's cute," he grinned at me, leaning forward to talk to me.

"It's not cute, I look stupid." I crossed my arms in defiance, glaring up at my boyfriend.

"I think I'd look cuter though." Before I could say anything, he took my glasses off my face and put them on his own, running away before I could grab them.

"Jack, this isn't funny," I whined.

"Really? Because I think it's hilarious."

"Jack, I can't see."

"Gotta catch me if you want to see!" He started running around and I groaned throwing my blanket off of myself. I stood there with my arms crossed watching the blurry figure run around like a lunatic in my glasses.

"You have glasses of your own, you know," I told him, sass present in my voice.

"Yours are so much cooler," he grinned at me, running by me again.

"How do you have this much energy?"

"I didn't just wake up from a nap!"

I sighed as I watched Jack continue to run around, and it wasn't before long until I had to chase him around to get my glasses back. I tried to get him around the couch, but he'd go the opposite way, making me go that way, and then he'd change directions again. He ran towards the bathroom, and I followed him.

Without my glasses, my depth perception was off and before I rounded the corner, I ran head first into the wall. I rubbed my head, looking around for Jack, but he still wasn't in sight.

"Jack, I just ran into the wall," I told him, falling to the floor dramatically, and putting a hand helplessly to my head. I was lying on the ground when he found me. He took off my glasses, and stared at me, still cheekily smiling.

"Well what'd you do that for?"

"I can't see for shit! You took my fucking glasses!"

"It's was kind of funny watching you squint as you ran around." He started to laugh and I rolled over so that I was lying on my stomach with my face pressed into the floor.

"You're stupid," I mumbled to the linoleum.

"Aw, come on, Y/N, you gotta admit it was hilarious."

"No, actually, no I don't." My hair was fanned around my head and I looked like a lion lying there, but Jack was crouched next to me in an awkward attempt to make me feel better.

"You deserved it," he pouted playfully at me, giving me a silly look from his dark brown eyes.

"What? How!" I sat up this time, looking at him and glaring, as if he had done some terrible deed.

"You hid this from me! Why would you hide wearing glasses, babe?" He frowned and took my hands in his, studying them as if they were the most interesting thing.

"I don't know, I don't like them, I guess," I mumbled, avoiding eye contact, which made sense since Jack didn't want to look at me either.

"You don't like them, or you don't like you in them?" He looked up from my hands, searching my eyes for the answer. I didn't answer him out loud, but I assumed he knew what I meant when I avoided all eye contact. "I'm sorry for making you run into a wall, I didn't mean to."

This made me look up to his face, and this time it was his turn to avoid my gaze. He looked genuinely guilty, so I pulled him in for a hug to let him know I forgave him. "It's okay," I told him. "I forgive you."

He rubbed my back to make me feel better and when we pulled away, we stared at each other for a long time. I smiled briefly, and so did he. He leaned in for a kiss but pulled back after what was only two seconds.

"Do you really not like how you look in glasses that much that you had to hide it from me?" he asked me, his eyes focused on my lips.

"I just didn't think it was all that important since I never wear them."

"From now on, we tell each other everything, okay?" he proposed, and I nodded wearily. "No matter how much you think it doesn't matter. Because to be fucking honest, you look cute as hell in those."

I blushed and looked away from him, but he put his finger under my chin to help me bring my gaze back up, and he leaned in to kiss me. It got heated after a while, and sooner or later I was straddling him in his lap while his hands were cradling my ass, and his lips were moving against mine. I ran my fingers through his hair, lightly thrusting into him to let him know I wanted more.

He pulled away, grinning and leaned over the other way to grab something. When he came back up, he had my glasses in his hand, and put them on me. "There, now you're even more perfect than you've always been."

He kissed me again and picked me up by my ass, holding me tight, and my legs were wrapped around his torso so I wouldn't fall. He carried me to the bedroom, and kicked the door closed behind him. He held me close and I never wanted him to let go. I never thought that wearing glasses would bring me any kind of boyfriend, but here I was, and for once they actually helped me keep my boyfriend.

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