Your First Time

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Can you please write a jack barakat imaginewhere youre dating him and you think you might be asexual and shes really scared of sex since she was raped as a little kid but one night she decides she wants to lose her virginity to jack so they do it and hes really sweet and he wakes up in the middle of the night and shes not there ( she like went to the bathroom of something) and he realizes he wants to wake up to her for the rest of his life and wants to marry her so when she comes back he asks her

AN That was wild from start to finish. Damn guys, you're really making me happy with all these requests and compliments. You're really making this whole experience wonderful. I hope I didn't make anyone uncomfortable with this. But really, thanks so much or putting up with this. The next one should be up normal time. Tomorrow night, my time. The conversation is between Jack and Alex.

Warning: Rape mention, amateur smut

Your POV

I could tell you how long I've been dating Jack Barakat, but then I'd have to think back a long time. It's hard to remember all those years. And in all those years, not once have we had sex. We've had some ups and downs in our relationship, sometimes Jack gets mad at me for not wanting it, but when I remind him why, he instantly regrets ever getting mad. He really is sweet.

It's maybe been two years I think? Maybe more? We're both so forgetful that we both forget our own anniversary. We've spent the night plenty of times at each other's house, but it never went further than kissing. Jack understands. I'm just not a sexual person.

In fact, I feel asexual sometimes, like I can't seem to feel the need to. I'm still a virgin. As far as I can tell. I don't count the time when I was little. When that awful thing happened to me.

When I was around ten, my uncle, he did things to me. Things that I didn't like. He told me I was supposed to like them. I didn't know what to do. He told me that my mom would be mad at me if I told her or anyone else. I won't go into the gory details, but long story short, he broke my hymen, and now he's in jail.

I told Jack this when we first started dating. That I've never had actual real sex, I have no desire to. He nodded and understood. He said he still wanted to see me. And now, years later, he's still seeing me. If that's not dedication, I don't know what is.

Recently I decided that I was tired of making Jack wait. I didn't want him to feel neglected forever, and I was curious as to what it felt like with someone you loved. I knew that he would be gentle, Jack is always gentle with me.

I was on my way to his house to tell him this. I wanted it to be special, I wanted it to mean something. God knows it didn't mean anything when I was ten. I just hope that I won't have terrible flashbacks. I don't know how it works, but I trust Jack with my life.

When I pulled up to his house, I went up to his door. I knocked on it, which is pretty weird since we've been dating for so long, but I thought why not?

"Y/N," Jack stated as he opened the door, looking down at me with his chocolate brown eyes. "I've told you before thousands of times, you can just walk in." He grinned at me and pulled me inside. I was staring at my feet, unsure of how to begin this conversation. "What's up?" He leaned towards me and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I blushed. I still blushed whenever he did something cute for me.

"I don't know how to say this.." I started. It was a terrible way to begin my pitch, because I just realized it sounded like I was going to break up with him. My suspicions were confirmed when his smile fell and he started nervously looking at everywhere but my face.

"What do you mean?" he asked me slowly. He was never one to jump to conclusions, and I think that was one of things I loved best about him. He always gave me time to explain.

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