The FWB Game (Part 2)

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Please do a sequel to the jack one you just wrote (where they're fuck buddies). You can't leave it like that
(Sequel to The FWB Game)

AN Hahaha oh my god, so when I do sequels, I always go back to re-read what I wrote, and on this one, my author's note said I was going camping, and I'm going camping tomorrow as well. This is hilarious wow such coincidence much wow. So to add to that, I'll be back Sunday night, so expect an update then. (If you're on the other side of the world, like Europe or something like that, expect one Monday instead because of time differences.) Anyways, if you wanna read the first part, that's here. PS flat hair Jack is my life I'm dying brb. I hope you guys like this, and it fulfills your needs of the sequel :)

Warning: smut

Your POV

Jack had left after he made us breakfast, and I was left to do the dishes. My mind kept bringing things back to last night. The way his mouth felt on my neck, the way he felt inside me. He gave me butterflies just thinking about him. But there's no way I'd have feelings for him. That's just not me.

Did I like it though? That was the real question. It had made me cum, so I was sure that I liked it. It turns out that I suck at hiding hickeys and love bites from people because all day long I got stares and my friends asked me who my secret lover was. I just hoped I didn't have to face Alex soon, knowing that he'd ask questions. I thought that Jack would tell him everything, but he hasn't said anything so I don't know.

I didn't hear from Jack for a whole weak. Not until he texted me saying that we were going off again because he had a girlfriend. Of course he had a fucking girlfriend. That's how it always is, right? I'd start to question my feelings for him and he'd snag some other bitch. This being the first time either one of us had broken the rules, and Jack has already got himself a new girlfriend and automatically I'm out of the picture. Fantastic.

I hated the way Jack threw me away like some piece of trash and then took me back again when no one wanted him. I know we agreed on not having any feelings, but dammit, I do have feelings. And he can't just fucking do that and then run away.

But, like always, I do nothing about it. I sit and stew in my room thinking about all the ways I could kill him. And all the ways I could fuck him. I just really missed him.

My phone started to ring, so I leaned over to see who it was. Alex's name was flashing on the screen, so I picked it up. "Hello?" I mumbled, too tired to even think about anyone but Jack.


"Yes, I have this number, that's why it's under my name in your phone."

"No need to be snarky, I just wanted to ask about Jack."

I groaned. Both internally and externally. "What about him?"

"Have you met his new girlfriend?"

"No, he usually doesn't talk to me while he dates."

Alex sighed in the phone, making me pull it away from my ear. "I think you need to talk to him."

"Why? So he can tell me how much happier he is without me?"

"So you do like him."


"You like Jack, don't you." I could hear the smirk in his voice and if he was in front of me, I'd punch him.

"When did I ever say that."

"You didn't have to, I can hear it. I'm coming over."

"Wait, Alex-" and he hung up on me before I could ever say anything more. I didn't want Alex to come over, I would have to talk about Jack and I'd rather not bring up a painful subject. I don't even know why it should be painful. I don't have feelings for him. He's just a good fuck, right? I mean it probably doesn't help that he's been the only one I've been sleeping with lately, but I don't like him like that, right?

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