Rian's Cousin (Part 2)

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AN Part two of Rian's Cousin, part one is here. I know I said I wouldn't post today, but I lied because I thought yesterday was Monday. Apparently today is. I also had a job interview! That was good. Anyway, enough about my life, on to this imagine. I have never been to a Chick-Fil-A before, so I hope I'm doing this right. Alaska is lame and doesn't have anything cool. On a side note, where are you guys from? I'm kinda curious to be honest. So there's no text conversation for this one. Enjoy xx

Your POV

Rian wanted us to go out to get something to eat. Jack stayed over at ours, and Rian had extra clothes for him to wear. I guess they all had like stashes of clothes in case one stayed the night. But Jack stayed for unconventional reasons. I don't think Ri really minded.

Alex, the brown haired one was eyeing us all day. Like we were going out, but he just kept staring at me and Jack as if we were going to explode. We had sex once, I hardly think that meant that Alex could eye us up and down. Zack took the news well. He just sat idly, not saying much. I deemed him the silent type.

Not only was Alex staring at me, but so was Jack. I'd catch him taking a few glances at me here and there, to make sure I didn't go anywhere. I don't know why, I thought I had satisfied him pretty well last time, didn't think he'd need any more so soon.

I had decided to wear a mid thigh length light blue skirt with a black crop top. The skirt went up to my mid drift, and the crop top covered the rest. So I had a little bit of belly showing. It felt nice, especially in this heat.

Rian hadn't decided where to go. He usually did, I was assuming, since you couldn't get Jack and Alex to shut up for longer than five minutes. And when you asked Zack what he wanted he just shrugged and said he was fine with anything. That boy could out-passive aggressive anyone any day.

Zack suggested we walked since we convinced him to come out with us instead of staying at home, so he wanted to get exercise. I didn't mind, I was actually fine with walking in the shoes I had chosen.

Apparently, Jack wasn't fine. "Rian, I'm hot," he complained.

"Complain to Y/N," Rian told him. "I'm sure she'll agree with you."

"That's not what I meant, Ri." He started to pout. "You made me wear jeans and it is not a jeans day, I'm dying."

"That sucks," Rian called back, rather unsympathetic.

From behind him, Jack stuck his tongue out at Rian. I couldn't help it, and I let out a giggle. Jack turned to me, noticing that his childishness had an effect on me.

"Jack, you could've borrowed something from me, but no, you had to stay at Rian's," Alex mocked Jack while talking with hands. "Probably just so you could spend more time with-"

"How about not embarrassing me in front of this girl, Alex?" Jack interrupted him.

Alex shrugged but gave me a sly grin. When Jack walked a little faster, probably trying not to notice the expression on my face, which was pure amusement, Alex leaned down to my ear. "He really likes you, I hope he doesn't fuck it up." He walked ahead, and I had a confused expression on my face. Why would he fuck up? What even would there be to fuck up?

We decided on Chick-fil-a, since no one else was willing to put in their input, all willing to go with the flow. Rian decided because it was right there, and he was tired of walking. We stood around, waiting for our turn in line. Rian told me he'd pay for me since I had just got here.

I told him what I had wanted and just as they gave us our cups to fill soda in, I heard these guys behind us, snickering at something. I may be girly, but when I get mad, my blood boils. And I had a sneaking suspicion that they were laughing at me.

And then I heard it. "Yeah, I'll have the number dos - I mean two - meal please," one of the guys said. They were mocking my accent. Those pricks.

I guess Rian heard because he put his hand on my arm sympathetically, telling me to let it go. I couldn't.

I whipped around, my hair flipping in front of them. "Excuse me?" I called. "Mind telling me what you're saying behind my back to my face?"

"What?" one of the guys raised his eyebrow, obviously not following at all at what's going on.

I had the attention of a few strangers and the four guys I was here with. "I could hear you openly mocking me. Mind telling me what's on your mind."

"Yeah, go back to Mexico," the one who started the joke spat at me.

"I have every right to be here, I have a passport. Which is more than I can say for you. You probably don't even have a driver's license." The two guys were dressed kind of sloppy, which I didn't blame them, it was a Chick-Fil-A. But he just reeked of "I'm-Going-To-Be-40-And-Still-Live-With-My-Mother" syndrome.

"Just leave it," the more decent one told his friend. But I refused to let them off that easily.

"Sorry for having an accent, but I don't see you making any effort trying to learn my language coming into my country, so be grateful I even tried. I'm self-taught, you fucking asshole."

The rude one stood up with his friend, but not before trying to lift my skirt up to embarrass me.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me," I spat as I pushed his hand away just in time. "And for your information, I'm from Argentina. Don't tell me to go back to Mexico when you obviously need to go back to high school."

His friend pulled him out, and I looked around at the crowd I had attracted. Damn, that was a lot of eyes. Jack's was one pair of them. Everyone just went back to what they were doing when Rian finally handed me my food.

"Damn, Y/N, that was fuckin' hardcore," Alex chimed with eyebrows raised.

"I'll admit, that was pretty cool," Zack told me. It was a lot coming from Zack, especially since he never said anything that he didn't mean. He didn't open his mouth much.

"That's my cousin for you," Rian beamed. I grinned at him as I took a sip of my drink. The only one who hadn't said anything was Jack which surprised me a lot.

When we were outside, munching on our food, Jack stayed back with me. I noticed he was tense, so I put my hand softly on his shoulder to calm him down. "What's wrong, Jack?"

"You have no idea how badly I want to beat those assholes up." Jack seethed.

I giggled quietly, and that caused him to ease up on his fist that he was holding. "Don't worry about it, Jack. All is good." I stood up on my tippy-toes, because even in heels I couldn't reach Jack's face if he was standing completely straight, and gave him a light kiss on the cheek to express my gratitude. Jack gave me a smile, and I returned it. He reached for my hand as we continued to walk a little bit further behind the guys, and held it tightly while saying nothing, but appreciating each other's presence.

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