Meeting Jack's Parents

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Could you write one where Jack and Y/N fly to Lebanon to met Jacks parents...

AN Okay, let me just tell you that it's always a terrible idea searching through to find cute Jack gifs and pictures. It hurts my feels and makes me want to throw pillows at people. I will contain myself for now. I was just sharing. If this seems shitty, I'm sorry in advance. I didn't really have an idea where this was headed, and just went with it. Thanks for sticking out with me guys, sorry for the late post. The conversation is between May and Jack.

Your POV

Jack and I were at the airport. He wanted me to go to Lebanon to meet his parents.It was weird because his parents had recently moved back, and I didn't want to impose on them. But he kept insisting that I had to meet them. He was telling me that they were super nice and not to worry because May and Joe were bringing their dates there too.

"Babe, calm down," Jack shushed sitting down on a bench. He was looking up at me as I was standing, sort of pacing around.

"I don't know what to do, what if we're imposing. I feel like we're imposing. Are we imposing?"

"They invited us, remember?"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean we're not imposing." I continued to pace back and forth until Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me down on his lap.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Y/N." He reassured me.

"If you say so," I murmured.

"Here, while we wait for our flight, let's go get some ice cream. I know you love ice cream."

I had insisted on getting to the airport like two hours early. Jack didn't agree, but went anyway because he knew it'd calm me down. But nonetheless we had a lot of down time.

He led me by the hand to the ice cream place to grab our food and sat us down at one of the nearby tables.

"It's gonna be fine. We're not imposing, they're going to love you. I love you, so they'll have to." He stuck a spoonful of chocolate ice cream in his mouth with the last part.

I smiled and mumbled I love you too as I was playing with my ice cream with my spoon. When we were finished, Jack threw my cup away since he was already done with his, and we were off towards our gate. The flight would soon be boarding and I didn't want to miss anything. Jack had gotten us first class seats so for one thing he could have wine and for another, I had never traveled first class before.

"Now boarding first class travelers for flight 231," the intercom stated. Jack gave me a smirk and led me up to the podium where the attendant was taking the tickets. I was clutching my backpack and we were off to our seats.

We reached our spots and settled down. These seats were a lot more comfy than coach seats, that's for sure. We waited for everyone to board for the plane to take off to Europe. The only other country I had been to before was Canada, and even then, that terrified me. Jack had assured me that he hadn't really been to Lebanon that often and that he was scared as well, but it didn't really help. At least he had been overseas.

I knew it wasn't doing any good to worry about things that I couldn't control, but I just couldn't help it. Thank god I had him here to keep me sane or I swear I probably would've left the plane already.

The flight was fairly steady, nothing too terrifying and I was finally starting to relax halfway through the flight. Jack had bought the digi player for us to share and insisted that we watched Home Alone, assuming it was on there. When it wasn't, Jack pouted, and I laughed and we continued to search for something else.

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