Rian's Cousin

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Before anything let me tell you that your blog is amazing seriously you are really talented! I wanted to request an imagine, if it isnt too much trouble, with jack? (he's hot as fuck) where the reader is Rian's cousin and she's from Argentina and super girly but she moves to america so she's staying with Rian for awhile and she meets the boys and she and jack hook up and he's shocked because she doms him, if you don't want it's okay :)

AN Ah yes, Jack is hot as fuck I agree, friend. By the way guys, IT'S ZACHARY MERRICK'S BIRTHDAY!! I'm so happy because I love him so so much. We'll be friends one day. Anyway, enjoy your smut, friends, the convo is between you and Rian.

Warning: smut

Your POV

I was on the plane coming to America from Argentina. I was going to stay with my cousin Rian because things weren't going so well for me at home. He offered me a place at his house and I didn't want to decline. I needed to get out of there. So I was staying at Rian's for the time being.

Rian had told me of his friends over where he was, and I was excited to meet them. I had heard about them in so many stories from Ri, and some online from fangirls. Nothing but nice things. I don't think I have anything to worry about. But the people, the language to get down, so many factors were playing into my anxiety.

The ride was a bumpy one, but I had finally arrived at my destination. As soon as the plane landed, I got out my phone, and turned it off airplane mode. Then I texted Rian saying I had landed. Thankfully he was already here.

As I got off, I brushed off my jeans and fixed my top. I loved wearing skirts, but not on planes. I found Rian at the end of the hall I was walking and ran up to him.

"Rian! It's so good to see you! I've missed you so much!" I said into his chest. He was about 5'10" or so, but still taller than me. I smiled at him.

"Hey, Y/N, how've you been? It's been so long." He hugged me back. When we let go, he rubbed my lower back supportively as I told him all that had been going on in my life.

"No, I'm single, no job, mom and dad don't speak to me, but I'm here, I'm kicking."

"That's good to hear." Rian gave me a small smile and guided me through the airport. "You're going to love the guys, Y/N, they're just like me, only weirder."

"They can get that way?"

Rian laughed for a good solid thirty seconds. "Trust me. They definitely can. I'm considered the mature one."

"You? Mature? No way!"

"Yeah. Way." I laughed, and he did too. We arrived at the baggage claim, and I grabbed my stuff fairly quickly. We got outside, and there were cars like everywhere. Rian brought us to his and put my stuff in the trunk and had me sit up front.

He climbed in the front seat turned on the car. As soon as he did, air conditioning started blowing, and John Mayer was playing out of the speakers. I giggled. "The angsty teenage Rian who loves Billy Joel is listening to John Mayer?" I gave him a playful nudge.

"Hell yeah he is!" Rian giggled. "I'm not a teenager anymore, Y/N, I'm 25."

"So I've heard." We drove for a while, just listening to the music until I decided to make general small talk. "So have you put a ring on Cass yet?"

"Not yet, I'm getting there."

"You've been getting there for years. You need to wife her soon, she's not going to wait forever."

"I'm getting there I'm getting there." There was a brief silence before he spoke again. "So this is a surprise, seeing you in pants."

"Hey, shut up, I like skirts, they're just not proper plane-wear."

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