Coming Out (Pan)

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hey i cant remember if i requested this or not, sorry if i already did. can you do one where you're dating jack and youre really nervous but you come out to him as pansexual (meaning you like all genders) and you're really scared he's gonna think its weird or gross but he's super understanding and doesnt care if you've been with ppl other than boys

AN So I personally am not pansexual, but my very best friend is so I know a little bit about it. I hope this was what you wanted. You guys are more than free to reblog and put your opinions in the tags and stuff or just like it, or you know, just read it and be like 'nice' because who knows maybe you just don't feel like doing anything. But that's perfectly alright. I enjoyed this one. Once I got started it wasn't hard to keep going. Idk why it took me so long, I'm sorry for not posting for a while, I'll try to do more lovelies. Thank you so much ily xx

Warning: some self deprecating thoughts (may be touchy for some people)

Your POV

    Jack was coming over in an hour, and I didn't know how I felt about it. Today was supposed to be the day I finally came out to him. All he knows right now is that I'm attracted to him. I hope that's all he cares about.

    It took me at least twenty minutes to get up the courage to ask him to come over. I mean, yeah, he's my boyfriend and everything, I should be happy that I was seeing him. But not if it meant the end of our relationship. Not if it meant the end of everything. Not if it meant he'd see me as something I'm not, or get worried I'd cheat just because gender wasn't of any preference to me.

    I overthought it and overthought it, and I eventually came to the point to where I was lying on the floor, playing with the hem of my shirt. My mind was wandering the endless possibilities of what my boyfriend would say.

    You're not good enough to like all genders, why don't you just stick with me. You've been with a girl? That's disgusting. How can you not care what's in the pants. What's in the pants is what matters.

    That was the one I was mostly worried about. Jack was such a sexual person, and if he wasn't having sex, he was talking about sex. It's not that it's bad or anything, I just didn't know how he'd take it. Would he ever touch me again knowing that I've done things with certain people? I don't even know how he views anyone who's not cisgender.

    My hands were patting my tummy as I stared up at the ceiling. Jack's voice was playing in my head, and it felt so real that I didn't notice when the real Jack had arrived. I didn't even hear him open the door. "Babe? Why are you lying on the floor?"

    I looked up into his chocolate eyes and smirked a bit, before I realized exactly why I was lying on the floor. My smirk faded. I turned my attention back to the ceiling. "Why not?"

    "It doesn't really have a purpose does it?" he asked me, staring down at my body.

    "I'm contemplating."

    He sat down right next to me and looked up where I was staring at. When he saw that it was in fact, nothing, he started playing with his hands. "Whatcha contemplating?"

    I didn't want to tell him just yet, I didn't know how. Instead I continued staring at nothing. "Life, universe, the theory of everything."

    "You mean String Theory?"

    I laughed briefly, and continued drumming on my tummy. "No, I don't mean string theory, but good guess."

    We stayed in comfortable silence for a while, but I could feel Jack start to get bored. He laid down next to me and stared at the ceiling as well. "Not that laying on the ground isn't exciting or anything," he interrupted the silence after a while. "But why'd you ask me to come over again?"

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