(Personal- Lexie) Scary Movie Night

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Could you personal one for me? My name is Lexie I have blue eyes and brown hair. anyway, could you do one where me and Jack are having a movie night and we watch scary movies, but I get too scared so when the movie is over he pretends to go to the bathroom but really ends up scaring me when I go find him? Pleease? Thanksss! I love your blog by the way

Hey, thanks friend! I appreciate you suggesting things, it makes me happy :) I'm glad I can make you happy as well. I hope you don't mind me changing it a little. I mean I kept what you wanted, but I added a creative zing to it. Well not really a zing, but you know what I mean. Hey, that rhymed! I'm a dork. I hope you don't mind the romance. If you do,just tell me and I'll take it out. Anyway. Here you go.

Btw if you haven't seen the Conjuring just letting you know there's a bit of a spoiler.

Lexie's POV

"What do you want to do?" I asked Jack. We were really good friends, I knew I could count on him for anything.

"How about we watch scary movies?" he suggested.

"Jack, you know what that does to me." I told him.

"Oh calm down, Lexie don't get your panties in a wad." I looked away from him, not taking the joke lightly. "I'm sorry, hun, it's okay, we don't have to watch them if you don't want to." He hugged me tight and I gazed up in his brown eyes that made me melt. Wait no, this is wrong, he's my best friend. Okay, calm down, Lexie. You can do this.

"I'll watch them if you want."

"Really? Yay! Let's watch The Conjuring!"

I groaned. I hated that movie. "Okay, if you insist." I gave in.

"Woo!" Jack jumped up like a school boy and ran to put the movie in. I laughed to myself and felt my heart grow warmer.

Jack's POV

Lexie was absolutely beautiful. Her brown hair looked like it was put there by a god, and her eyes were so blue, you could go swimming in them. I loved her, but I couldn't tell her. I knew she didn't feel the same anyway. It was nice to be friends though. Not as nice as being more than that would be, but oh well.

I put the movie in, and sat down next to her. She already grabbed the blanket and pulled it close to her face.

"Fuck you, Jack, I hate this movie," she said to me.

"Sh, you know you love it."

When we got to the part where the dog died, Lexie was almost in tears. "That poor dog! Oh my god, how could a ghost do that to it. I hate this movie."

"At least it didn't die in real life." I reassured her while stroking her head.

"True that."

The movie was over, and she was like half asleep. "Lexie," I shook her a bit. "Lexie I'm going to go to the bathroom."

"Okay okay," she said while rolling over. I laughed to myself.

Lexie's POV

I woke up a half an hour after Jack told me he was going to the bathroom. It doesn't really take that long to go to the bathroom, does it? A million thoughts of scenarios ran through my head. What if a ghost got him? What if he was murdered? What if he slipped and fell and called out in pain and I was asleep so I didn't hear him and then he died and it'd be all my fault?! Oh god, Jack, no!

As I ran up the stairs to go find him, my snarky conscience gave me the option that he could just be having bowel issues and that this would only embarrass him. I stopped running. I went downstairs, and then stopped again. I should make sure he's at least all right. I turned around and went up the stairs again.

"Jack?" I called out. "Jack, are you okay?"

No answer.


I saw a dark figure hiding in the shadows of the laundry room and went to investigate.


I screamed as loud as I could, kicked the figure where its manhood should be and ran as fast as I could.

"Lexie! It's okay it's just me!" I heard a voice call to me. It did sound strangely familiar. .



I stopped running and went back to the laundry room. "Jack, did I seriously kick you in the balls?"


"Whoops." We both laughed and I leaned down to help him get up. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"I thought it'd be fun." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, look what it cost you. Blue balls and a scared girlfriend- uh- I mean friend."

Jack looked up at me, his eyes were sparkling, and my stomach did like three somersaults. "What did you say?" he smiled up at me from his position on the ground.

"I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did."



"No I didn't." I left him on the ground and ran to hide under my blanket from pure


"Lexie come back here. Lexie?" He found me under my blanket. "Lexie, I love you too.

"Wait, wait. What?"

"Don't you feel the same way?"

"Uh. Y-yeah..."

"Then come here." Jack stretched out his arms.


"Get over here, love." I stood up and he grabbed me and hugged me as tight as he

could. We stood like that for awhile, and then he put his finger under my chin to have me look up at him. "I've loved you for a long time," he said to me quietly.

"I've loved you too." He leaned in closer to me, until I could feel the heat of our breath joining together. Eventually, our lips collided, and it felt like everything I'd ever dreamed it to be and more. It was passionate, and it was ours. Ours forever.

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