Massage Therapy

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one where you meet the boys after a concert and Jack is like 'man my back an my shoulders hurt' and you offer him a massage since you are a masseuse. He accepts and takes you with him on the bus. You two end up talking the whole night and telling each other funny stories. Nex day you wake up next to Jack who is cuddling you and before you leave he asks you out on a date. Sorry it's so specific!

AN Sorry dude, I didn't see it say on the bus until now, and it's basically almost done being written. I'm changing it for now, but if you want me to rewrite it, I will okay? Honestly this story is a million times cuter than the last one I write (didn't get many notes, but I'm okay with that) still doing ships if you want some, I figure I gotta pay you guys back somehow since I was so far behind. Thanks for sticking with me guys, I love you xx

Your POV

Nothing is more loud, crazy, and fun like an All Time Low concert. Nothing I've been to anyway. It was like any other I've been to but also surprisingly different. This one was for other reasons, reasons that I was so happy about.

It was after the concert, and I was trying to hail a taxi to get home. I have work in the morning, and I never miss work. I had to get to sleep if I wanted to go anywhere in life. "Taxi!" I yelled. But nothing gave way. One even went so far as to splash me.

Right behind me, I could hear some loud guys laugh and it made my blood boil. They were having fun, and I could be having fun too, but I turned down my friend to go somewhere. She had taken my taxi. Here these guys were talking and laughing like there wasn't a big problem. There was a big problem, I need to get to bed. I almost turned around, but didn't. I kept trying to get a taxi.

One of them, I didn't bother to look at his face, but his very presence made me sweat, he called for a taxi right next to me. He fucking got one. "What the fuck? I've been trying to get a taxi for literally 10 fucking minutes!"

"Oh sorry," he apologized and his voice was genuine. I looked up at him, and it was Jack fucking Barakat. Of course let this be the circumstances I meet him. He looked like he felt bad and it kind of broke my heart. I was a Barakat girl of course, but this was a whole other level. I made him feel bad for me. I sighed.

"Go ahead, take it, I'll find a new one," I told him.

"Why don't we just share?"

That put a smile on my face, he was so caring and kind. Just like I thought that he was. All this bullshit I hear about this band, and yet here Jack was offering to share his taxi with me. Which made me wonder why he needed one in the first place. What about Uber? I kept my mouth shut though, and nodded my head enthusiastically.

"So.." he started, the ride was in silence, and we were going to his place first. "Did you like the concert?"

"What concert?" I cocked my head to the side, playing it off as if I didn't know him. Thought it would be funny.

"Oh," his face fell. "Never mind." I felt kind of bad, he looked so sad that I didn't know who he was and that I was in the area and didn't go to the concert.

I laughed a little and that caused him to look up at me. "I'm kidding, Jack. I know who you are."

"Oh," he smiled and laughed a little too. I made note of his dark eyes literally lighting up this entire taxi.

"I loved it, it was fucking great. But where's the others? I heard you were walking with a group."

"They all went into town to celebrate a concert well done. We have a day off tomorrow so they can afford to."

"And you didn't go?" In my head it was weird for Jack to pass up an offer like that. I was genuinely concerned.

"No my back and shoulders hurt like a bitch. Probably hurt something when I tried to do that running thing in a circle on the ground. Never doing that again." He lightly laughed, and it reached his eyes, causing me to smile. We arrived at his stop, and he got out. He leaned in to talk to me from outside. "Well it was nice talking to you- wait, I never got your name?"

Jack Barakat ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now