"Can I Keep Her?" (Part 2)

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AN ok but guys whenever I get part 2s to things, I read the first part and then I cry inside bc WTF HOW DO I LIVE UP TO MY OWN EXPECTATIONS like sometimes I can write bombass shit and then other times I cannot and it's a real struggle bc this one was so cute how tf am I going to live up to this. Also send help I can write like a six page fanfic, but not like a two page essay, @ me wtf. Anyways, hope you lovely human beings enjoy this one xx

Your POV

Holy shit I'm going on a cute lunch date with Jack Barakat today, and I couldn't sleep like at all. The entire night. My heart was beating faster than it ever has before, and I'm tired as fuck, but I wanted to do this, there is no way I'm cancelling this. Never, not in a million years. Jack and I texted until he fell asleep, and I was still up.

I'm trying to decide what in the hell to wear, because how does one dress up to meet their idol or their prospective boyfriend, or whoever he is. Oh my god, what if he became my boyfriend? I'd dying I can't handle this.

I had a mountain of clothes on my bed, trying to find the right thing to wear. When I finally decided what the hell I was going to put on my body, I was already late and I had barely any time for make up or to, I don't know, brush my hair?

I managed to get myself to be somewhat decent, and furiously texted Jack that I was on my way, and that I was sorry I was late. He said some things back and I was smiling the whole ride there. I got off, and went to the coffee shop we were supposed to meet at, and found him sitting by the window, smiling and waving to me as I walked up.

"Were you waiting long?" I asked him, catching my breath as I sat down.

"No, not too long, I basically just got here." I noticed his coffee cup right in front of him and shook it to find out the contents.

"You liar, your drink's empty, how would you find time to order a drink and drink it all before I got here?"

"I'm a really fast chugger?" I laughed, and watched him laugh too, and it was a heavenly experience. Making Jack laugh like that is something that could leave you dying happy. He's got such an innocent aura around him, and it makes no sense given his actual personality, or maybe he's just like that, who knows. I felt like I was on a date though, like I wasn't having a coffee with Jack Barakat, lead guitarist of All Time Low, but instead, Jack, prospective boyfriend and string puller of hearts.

"I didn't know what kind of coffee you wanted, so I didn't get you any, I'm sorry," he suddenly said, causing me to look up at him.

"Sorry? For what, this is a first date, how could you even know that?"

He shrugged smiling, and stared at his hands. "I felt like I should know."

"Don't worry about it," I reassured him. "I'll go order it."

"I'll go with you. I invited you here, I want to pay for it."

"Jack, I brought my wallet for a reason."

"And I play music for a reason, and am I doing it right now? No, I'm busy making a fool of myself in front of a really beautiful girl."

I blushed and looked down at my hands as we walked together to the line. I was starving since I hadn't had anything to eat this morning. Thinking about him sends my stomach into a flurry of butterflies, and I can't fucking handle it. I stared at the board of a place I go to every so often, and while Jack had never been here before, he still knew what he wanted faster than I did.

We got our food and settled down in the same booth to eat our food and drink our coffee. "So is Alex going to be a major cock block again, or are we actually going to talk and shit?" I asked him, taking a bite of my wrap. I hate eating food in front of people, especially people who I have an interest in.

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