"I Don't Know But She's Gorgeous"

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Jack request! you're at an ATL concert and you crowd surf. When you are at the stage and the security helps you down, Jack pulls you on Stage. Alex is like 'who is that' and Jack answers 'I don't know, but she is gorgeous' you can take it from there!

AN I saw that Jack noticed you guys were singing Rick Astley at the concert a bit ago. I think in Sweden? Pretty sure that that was where it was. But anyways, I threw that in there :] Yo you guys should follow my Twitter acc ->Happinessfoleva because I have no friends on there and mostly I just comment on bands posts, but sometimes I can be a little bit funny and it would be nice to have friends. Also guys, I have never been to a real ATL concert before, I mean I saw them at warped (alaska) last year, but that was it. So if I get the order of things wrong it has everything to do with ignorance, okay? Enjoy lovelies xx

Your POV

Standing in lines at concerts has got to be a paid job. You spend so much time here that I could basically claim it as a second home on my taxes. All day in line just to see your favorite band up closer than you usually would. Now that's dedication.

We usually sang some songs to pass the time. This time it was Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up. All I could think of is that we were Rick-Rolling them.

When the gates opened up, it was basically Hell. Hell for anyone who didn't love All Time Low as much as some of us did. We were crazy, and we were ready to lose our heads. Sometimes I feel sorry for the parents that get dragged along, but at least they get to listen to some kick ass music.

This was a venue where the earlier you get there the closer you get to sit. Some people wanted to sit in the front so badly that they camped outside. I wasn't one of those people but it didn't mean that I didn't want to be.

We wandered inside giddy from head to toe, ready to see our idols in person rocking out in our town. It's one thing to listen to them in your room. It's a whole other thing when they're live right in front of your face.

They kicked it off with The Reckless and the Brave, one of my favorites. They got into the newer album playing things like Something's Gotta Give and Runaways. When they play Somewhere in Neverland, I wanted desperately to crowd surf. I never had before. So I turned to this super tall guy that was next to me and asked him.

He agreed and now I was being moved along above people's heads to Somewhere in Neverland. I tried my best to keep my feet away from people's faces. It was really hard since they were basically throwing me along. I felt supported but also felt unstable, if that makes any sense.

They brought me to the front of the stage. Some security guard helped me get down, and now I was in front of the stage as the song ended.

"Alright, now we're going to play Time Bomb next," Alex shouts in the microphone. It's weird being this close to them. "Who knows what that means?"

The crowd cheers in response.

Jack nods as if understanding what 3,000+ people screamed. "Same," he giggles.

Alex just looks at him and looks away. "Let's get some people on this stage!"

Jack immediately scans the front row looking for people and I feel his eyes land on mine. My heart is beating annoyingly loud and I'm 157% positive that everyone in this damn venue can hear it. Jack points to me, and I turn around to see if he's pointing at someone else, just in case I'm imagining this. [haha get it cause it's an imagine? I'm sorry I'll stop now]

I look back and he shakes his head. So I point to myself and mouth the word: Me? He nods and I shrug. The security guard helps me up and when Alex looks over to see who Jack managed to find, he does a double take to see that it's basically just me.

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