Depression Day (Nothing Triggering -I Hope-)

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Can I have a Jack B one where you have a depression day and your laying in bed all day and Jack comes home and tries to talk to you but you won't talk to him and he gets mad and you cry then your sister tells him everything and he feels bad?

AN- I'm so sorry that I put this off for so long! I finally finished it though, yay me! Woo! I'm glad I finally got it up. I hope you like it. I hope Jack's character is good. I liked him better in my other one, but oh well. He kinda had to be a bit of an asshole in this one. Wellp. Next one on the list is I think the smut one. Woo! That'll be exciting. Anyway, enjoy.

Your POV

I hadn't moved since I woke up. I couldn't even try. It was like the weight of my sadness refused to let me even move a muscle. I knew Jack wasn't going to be happy with me. He likes it when I talk to him not when I don't know what's going on and physically can't. I can't explain it this time. I hope he won't get too mad.

I haven't even had breakfast this morning, and I love cereal. I don't know why I'm so sad. I just woke up and was like this. It's hard to move, it's hard to wake up. I don't know how to make it any easier for myself. So I just lie there. All day. I text my sister, It's happening again. She replies with, I'll be right there.

I lay there waiting for her to show up, and count how many pictures I see in my ceiling. I hear her walking in after I reached 50. "Hey, Y/N, you in there?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm here."

"How're you feeling?"


"Anything I can do?"

"I don't know, eat ice cream with me?"

"Do you have any?"

"Not really."

She sighed, aggravated. "Okay, I'll go get some. You stay here and get some rest."

"Okay," I obeyed.

I waited for my sister to get back, and all that time I was still counting ceiling patterns. I heard the door open after not too long, and heard the clattering of the keys on the counter. "Yay!" I shouted. "Ice cream!"

"I don't have ice cream." the voice said back It was a male's. My sister obviously isn't back then, great going Y/N. Nailed it.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jack. Hello."

"Y/N? You're still in bed? I left at like 9 this morning. I thought you were going to go shopping?"

"Uh, yeah. About that-"

"Y/N, I told you, we needed that today. Not tomorrow, not the day after. Today."

I said nothing, just looked at him. Couldn't he tell that I just didn't want to move? I couldn't even get myself to eat breakfast, let alone go fucking shopping.

"Y/N? Hello? I'm talking to you." He waved his hand in my face. I turned around and faced the wall. Inconsiderate bastard. "Y/N, really? Oh my god, fine. I'll do it jesus christ." He stomped out of the room. I didn't want to cry, I really didn't. It's just the tears wouldn't stop pushing their way out of my head. It was pissing me off that I'm crying over something like this, but I can't help it. Jack scares me when he's mad. It may just be his anger or anger in general, but when someone with his type of personality is pissed off, I'm genuinely scared. I don't want him to be mad at me.

The front door slams shut, then opens again not too long after. My sister comes into the room. "What happened?"

"Jack's mad at me," I say, barely able to make the words out.

"What? Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders, still sniffling.

"Hang on just one second, okay?"

I didn't have a chance to respond, even if I wanted to. She was out the door before I could say or do anything else. I wasn't going to, but still.

Jack's POV

I was on my way down the stairs of the apartment building when I ran into Y/N's sister. She looked at me, and I looked at her, most likely with malice, I couldn't tell too well. She left, and went upstairs, probably to see Y/N. Good luck talking to her, I thought. I was about to get in my car, when I saw Y/N's sister running towards me.

"Jack!" she called out. "Wait!"


"Because! I need to talk to you about Y/N."

"Fine..." I reluctantly agreed.

We went to sit on the bench in the lobby. I could tell I was going to get a lot of shit from yelling at Y/N.

"Jack.." she started. "Do you know why Y/N is bedridden and won't talk to you?"

"Well, not really no. She wouldn't talk to me."

"Okay, I know you two haven't been dating long, like eight months is it?" I nodded my head. "So Y/N has these moments, they get really bad once a year. She has these problems where she just can't get out of her bed. It's a seasonal depression. After fall and before winter, around Thanksgiving, she gets so sad that she can't even eat. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Are you trying to tell me that I yelled at my girlfriend because she was sad?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Fuck." I sat there for a minute, my thoughts racing through my mind as I tried to control them. Now I certainly feel like shit. "I have to go and apologize."

"Of course you do. Now get up there and say you're sorry or no Y/N for you sir."

I smiled back at her. "Thanks, you're a really good sister, you know that?"

"Well I sure do try."

I hurried up the stairs to Y/N's room. By the time I got to the apartment, I raced to her bedside. I hugged her super tight despite her muffled gasps, and repeated that I was sorry over and over again. She stopped me to gaze in my eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful, I could stare at them all day.

"Shhh," she whispered. "It's okay, love. I'm just happy to know that you're not mad at me."

"Now how could I be mad at an adorable little bundle of girlfriend I have right at my fingertips?" I smiled at her and she smiled back. I kissed the tip of her nose and crawled right in bed beside her. I pet her arm. "I'll be here as long as you need me. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily."

"Wouldn't give it up for the world."

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