Something Drastic

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Can you do a Jack Barakat imagine where while he's on tour, you do something drastic to your look, like dyeing your hair, and you wanted to tell him in person but forgot about it, so when he comes home, he's blown away? Maybe from his POV?

-Jack's POV-

"I'm really gonna miss you," I said as I stroked her hair.

"I'm gonna miss you too," she sniffled in my chest.

"You know I'm not gonna be gone too long right? It's only for three months."

"That's three months too long."

"I know hun, I know." We stood there for a moment at the airport. just us hugging. The whole world stopped and it was just us. I hated leaving her all by herself. I could skype her, sure, but I sure was going to miss her. She was my world.

I had to let her go, and it was honestly the hardest thing I ever had to do. She looked down at the ground and watched us leave from behind her brown hair. All I wanted was to run back to her and hug her and kiss her all day.

-Y/N's POV-

It was a month and a half into Jack being gone, and I still had a month and a half left. I couldn't bear the feeling in my chest. When he was gone I was gone. But I tried to stay strong. I had to do it for him. My friend and I, Y/F/N, were walking through the mall trying to get my mind off of Jack.

"I got an idea," she told me.

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

"How much do you want to surprise Jack?'

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Just follow me!" She dragged me through the mall until we reached a hair salon. "How would you like to dye your hair!"

"Uh, I guess so," I'd always wanted to dye my hair just never found the time. 'But what would I get?"

"What do you want?"

"I think I have an idea." I smiled and walked in.

-Jack's POV-

A Month Later (2 weeks left)

I was skyping Y/N right after she got out of her shower so her hair was up in her towel. I wished I could've been there with her.

"How're you doing, love?" I asked her. God, she was beautiful even with her hair up like that.

"I'm alright, I miss you though."

"I miss you too. The beds are really comfortable when there's two people in it." I winked at her.

She laughed her adorable laugh and said "I bet they are. oh! I was going to tell you something!"

"Oh yeah? What is that?"

"I got-" There was a noise in the background. "What?!" More noise. "Okay! I gotta go, hun, the girls are here, we're having a movie night tonight."

"Okay, are you ever going to tell me?"

"Yeah, later okay? I'll text you, I gotta go, I love you!"

"I love you too, bye babe." I smiled at her.


She hung up and we texted through the night. Though I never did find out what she was going to tell me.

2 weeks later (arrival time!)

I was in the taxi on my way home, and I absolutely couldn't wait to see my lovely girlfriend. She was so beautiful. I was lucky I had her.

I opened the door and she bounded through the hall. "Jack?!"


"You're here!" she runs up to me and jumps in my arms.

"I missed you so much," I said in her hair. "You changed." I smiled.

"What do you mean?"

I grabbed a piece of her hair that was now dip-dyed blonde and raised my eyebrow.

"Oh! That! I promise I was gonna tell you I just forgot, you know?"

"I love it, it's beautiful." I kissed the piece i was holding and hugged her tight. I never wanted to let her go.

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