Tour Bus Smut

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Hey can you do one like y.n is in a band too but is on tour and comes and surprises jack on atl's tour bus and jack gets rid of the guys then smut lmao

AN Hey guys, it's been awhile since I've done smut so woo! Also I'm having really bad Jack feels right about now and it's hindering my life at this moment. I'm just so proud of these guys, like really and I'm happy that they're happy and yeah. Okay done rambling for now, enjoy the smut. I probably should've named the band but I suck at coming up with names so I decided not to. Also! The conversation is just between you and Jack.

Warning: Smut

Your POV

Lying on the beds of tour buses gets tiring and really painful. Especially this far from home. I'm in California right now and Jack is in Europe. It hurt to be this far away from him, we're best friends. I was texting him in my bunk when my bandmate came by and sat on me.

"Ouch, Thane, why are you sitting on me?" I stuck my tongue out at him. Thane was the singer of the band. There was me, the bass, Thane, lead singer and rhythm guitar, Atticus, lead guitar, and Jeff, the drummer. We were pretty tight and right now we were on Warped tour.

"Because it's fun and I like to annoy you," Thane laughed as he bounced up and down. "What're you doing anyway?"

"Texting Jack."

"Ooo your boyfriendddd."

"No, Thane, we're not dating."

"Yet." Thane winked at me.

"That's weird we're best friends."

"With benefits."

I punched him on the arm and rolled my eyes. "Why you gotta be so weird."

"Why not?"

"Touche." I sighed and lied back down.

Thane had blonde hair kept up and out of his face most of the time, but sometimes he put it down. Those were the times the fans went crazy. Jeff was in a committed relationship, and Atticus didn't interact with the fans much. Mostly people talked to Thane and I considering we were the most outgoing.

Not that Atticus was boring or anything, he just has horrible social anxiety. Jeff doesn't hate the fans, he just isn't really looked to a whole lot. He has his fans, but most don't try to do anything too crazy.

Thane and I are always getting into trouble. We're both single and people constantly ship us. It's either me and Thane or me and Jack. One time I was scrolling around and I found a ship blog of me and Jenna McDougall. It was weird to say the least.

Most pop punk bands that even had girls had girl singers. I couldn't really sing. I didn't want to sing. I just love to play bass and fuck around with Jeff a lot.

Jack and I first met at Warped in '12. He was on the main stage and our little band was on the local in our home state. Jack and I had run into each other and instantly hit it off talking extensively about Green Day and their new album they just released. Green Day was my very favorite band and Blink was Jack's. We practically became best friends right off the spot.

"So when are you gonna see him again?" Thane asked me. Aside from Jack, Thane was my best friend. I could talk to him about everything. Like Jack for example.

"Jack? I don't know, he's on tour in Europe."

"So? Go to Europe to surprise him?"

"That's far away. Plus we're on Warped right now."

"Yeah, which ends today." Thane laughed at me and I gazed out the window.

"Fuck, I forgot."

"You should go see him."

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