Zack's Sister Jack's Fuck Buddy

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Hi (: Can you do a Jack Barakat imagine where you both have a friends with benefits type thing going on and you live with Zack because he's your brother and you and Jack like have sex before he leaves for tour and you get pregnant but don't tell Jack because you're afraid of what he would say and they come home and Jack comes to see you and you have a baby bump and then like they have a little fight and then he admits he has feelings for you.

AN So I promised a double update and here it is! I really hope you guys like this one, it was pretty fun to write. Thanks for all the support, I love each and every one of you. The conversation is between you and Jack (again teehee) and that's about it. Enjoy my lovelies xx

Warning: brief smut

Your POV

I live with Zack Merrick because he's my brother. I fuck Jack Barakat because it's fun. Hi, I'm Y/N. That might not be the best way to introduce myself, but oh well I guess.

Jack and I have been friends with benefits for god knows how long. It basically started like Jack and Zack were out at the Orioles game, and I was here. Zack got invited out, and Jack came back here. We both hit it off instantly. Jack told me that he was kind of lonely and that he hadn't had sex in a while. I hadn't either, so of course I suggested we have sex. He agreed right away, and now we just have it. I don't know what to tell you, that's all there is to our story.

Zack found out of course when he saw Jack naked in my room. I mean, it's not weird to see Jack naked, but in my room? That's suspicious. Zack wasn't happy with it, but he didn't forbid us from seeing each other. Which was good, because if he did, then I probably would be head over heels right now.

I'm not denying that Jack is gorgeous. Of course he is, I just don't have a desire to marry him or have his kids. So why should I bother putting a label on this thing we have? Jack doesn't like me that way either, this thing is mutual.

Jack and Zack were both leaving for their tour in Europe. I had to stay here. I couldn't go along on tour like Lisa or sometimes Cass did. They could like go see the guys in at least one city, but I was stuck here back home. Living 10 minutes away from my parents house. Why Zack chose to live here, I don't know. But I was living with him so I guess I didn't really have a say.

I didn't want Jack to go away for that long because that meant no sex for me. Which was unfair because on tour I bet Jack got loads of chicks. Fangirls are throwing themselves at him like crazy all the time. I was stuck in Baltimore with the same people and no one to screw. I make it sound like I'm some sex obsessed whore, but let me tell you. In the right setting, sex is fun. And so far, the only one that makes the setting right is Jack. So I'm here while Jack is there, and I just wanted this last time to be fun.

So I invited him over, only to have him invite me over to his place. When we're there we can be as loud as we want, thank god. Sometimes I feel bad for Zack, but he has his girlfriend over sometimes, and sometimes they go at it pretty hard. At least I don't have to feel so weird this time.

When the time came, fuck, was I excited. Jack and I were gonna try some hella rad shit tonight. I mean nothing too kinky, but we could be loud, and that was enough for me. My hand hurts sometimes from me biting it and trying not to scream.

I was at Jack's house, feeling a little bit slutty, but not caring. My lingerie was under my clothes. Usually I didn't wear any lingerie, and we just went with whatever I was wearing that day, but this was kind of special. He was leaving, so I wanted it to be memorable. Lingerie makes everything memorable. Even though it was just going to be thrown off in the process.

Jack let me in, admiring me. I took time in getting ready, and I was glad that he was appreciatory. He ushered me to the bedroom, not worrying about buying me dinner first. He never did. We were friends with benefits, of course he didn't.

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