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ATL imagine where your best friend Jack falls asleep on your boobs after his show while you're reading and then the boys make fun of you and he wakes up and you kiss him and he asks you to be his gf and fluff?

AN First, I'm sorry that I barely said Y/N in it. Most of it was description. Which isn't usually how I write. I usually have lots of dialogue. This one did, but also lots of extra writing. And it's longer! so yay! I'm writing these a lot quicker now, and that makes me happy. I'm hoping you guys are enjoying it as much as I am writing it. The conversation is between Y/N and her friend. Enjoy guys xx

Your POV

"Thank you, and goodnight!" Alex called out into the sea of screaming fangirls. I was lucky to be backstage. Not only had I been able to be backstage, but he had invited me to go on tour with him. The rest of the band hadn't objected to it. Alex brought Lisa, Rian brought Cassadee, and Zack was off doing Zack things. One never really knew with him. I sensed he had a girlfriend with the way he always smiling at his phone. I guessed she couldn't come along.

The guys had always teased me and Jack about getting together. We were always hanging out, doing whatever. Each time one of us would look at the other and make some weird face along with a gagging noise.

I knew Jack didn't have feelings for me. He couldn't, he was physically incapable. We have been best friends since high school and each chick that he had hooked up with was more of a wreck than the last. He didn't really date. That wasn't what he did. He had moments. Moments of women in his life. They would come and go, and to keep himself from getting hurt, he wouldn't get attached to them.He never told me any of this of course, it's just what I had picked up through the years.

All Time Low came off the stage sweaty and hyped up from the crowd. Zack ripped his shirt yelling and laughing. Rian ran around and headed towards the door. Jack came off next and I went to greet him. As much as I hated myself when I thought these things, Jack was extremely sexy with his skin glistened with sweat.

"Fucking amazing show, Y/N," Jack greeted me with a side hug.

"Oh, get a room.," Alex called walking on after him.

"Shut up, Alex. I just gave her a fucking hug."

"Intimate hug." Alex laughed and ran off before Jack could get him. Jack looked over at me, his pupils barely visible in his dark eyes and gave me a lighthearted smile.

I smiled back and hugged him again. I loved the warmth that radiated off his body. Jack grinned down at me and we walked off towards our bus.

A couple of fans swarming around for autographs later, we got to the bus unmarked. I went to my bunk directly to give the guys a bit of time to wind down, as they always had after a crazy show. I dozed off after a bit while looking at my phone.

I was later woken up by Jack poking my face. My curtain had been drawn back, and his face was staring at mine, inches away. I breathed out in surprise, and blushed lightly, immediately looking down to hide my face.

"Y/N," Jack whined. "Come watch a movie with us."

I looked at my phone. "Jack, it's 11," I said peering up at him.

"All the more reason to watch a movie!"

I sighed and rolled out of the bunk. Thank god I was on the bottom, or else I probably would have fallen off quite easily. I followed Jack into the living room sort of place. Seriously these tour buses were like houses on wheels.

"Woke up your girlfriend, I see," Rian grinned cheekily at Jack and me. Jack ignored it, but I blushed a bit. I don't know why I'd always get so red and my stomach would lurch whenever someone would mention me and Jack being together. I've always wanted it to happen, but how could I with his fear of commitment and all. At least that's what I called it. He seemed to like to call it "waiting."

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