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Hey omg I love your imagines! Can you please do one where you best friends with all of ATL and Jack has feelings for you and you feel the same but one day you and one of the other guys (up to you who :)) are acting really flirty even though it's nothing but Jack gets really jealous and stuff? Thank you so much!

AN lol im gonna make the guy be danny kurily bc he fine af. There's a conversation for this one finally, I know how long it's been since I made one, but neato, right? Right. This is long I apologize don't ask me why. Also PSA I'm adding the 'read more' thing or 'keep reading' whatever it is thing on these now so they're easier to reblog for you lovelies. Thank you I love you xx

Warning: panic attack mention

Your POV

Zack invited me to go hiking with them, and it wasn't great. I hated heights. Despised them, even. Even so, I decided to go anyway. He told me Jack was going for some reason I didn't know, but I felt safer knowing he was there, which held no logical reason given Jack's personality.

I knew why I felt safer with him, though. I had a major thing for him, and the only one that I told was Zack. I wasn't going to tell Alex, since his ability to keep a secret didn't exist. I wasn't going to tell Rian, because he most likely didn't care. Zack did, and I cared for him. We were probably the closest out of all of them.

So I decided to go on this hike even though I know for a fact I'm not going to be able to make it to the top. They picked me up with everyone in the car. Jack, Alex, Rian, Zack, Cass, Lisa, and me. Zack liked to go to these things alone, and I was probably going to keep Jack company. The only exercise he got was sex.

As we were driving up the mountain, I felt my stomach lurch with anxiety. The view was high and the more I looked at it, the more my heart beat raced. My mind wandered to all the different things that could happen to send me rolling down the face of a mountain.

We made our way to the parking lot, as I was desperately clinging on to the door of the car. We got out of the car and Alex was sniffing the air, getting ready to start our journey up the mountain. I was ready for death.

Zack walked over to me smiling. "Alex basically invited you so he wouldn't feel bad leaving Jack so far behind," he mumbled to me.

I nodded. "So Jack's got babysitting duty, huh?" I asked him, staring at the endless valley of green things.

"It appears so. I'm probably gonna be up in the front with Alex and Lisa. Rian and Cass will be in the middle most likely."

I nodded, sighing. Why the fuck did I ever agree to this? I looked over at Jack, and noticed he had a bandana tied around around his head. He looked like he was getting ready for a marathon. It might as well be one.

We started for the trail, Alex, Lisa, and Zack already taking their place ahead of us. I doubted they'd wait for me or Jack. If this was anything like the last hike, what will take everyone else ten minutes to hike will take me 30. The last part anyway, the part I can't do without having a panic attack.

"Sorry you have to stay back with me," I said to Jack, giving him an apologetic smile.

He was breathing, taking each step with care, keeping his eyes on the trail. "It's alright Y/N. I'm just glad you're going with us so I don't have to trail behind them pathetically. He laughed a little as we continued up the trail.

"Can we go back yet?" I asked, the air from my lips shaking.

"You afraid of heights?" he asked me.

"Weren't you there last time we climbed a mountain?"

"No, I was in Vegas with Danny."

"Oh, right." There was silence before I started to tell him more about it. "Well, last time I went it was Zack who stayed behind with me and he had to calm me down from a panic attack."

Jack Barakat ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now