This is the Memory

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Hi! Could you write an imagine where you're cousins with Zack but you're super close with all the guys (especially jack) and one day your boyfriend (who's had problems in the past) commits suicide and jack finds you roaming around the city because you didn't know what to do and he takes you back to his place and fluff? You can decide how it ends. Thank you! x

TW: Suicide

AN: I really don''t know where Zack is from as a kid because he's not in many interviews and doesn't talk much, but that's okay, we all love him anyway.By the way, if you want to read a fanfiction that's sort of about this, you can go to my wattpad fanfictions? I have one that's sort of like this. It's called The Silence, my account name is alltimegreenday, so yeah .-. Sorry, don't mean to self promote, just putting that out there .-. Sorry it's so long, it just needed details and stuff haha. Anyway, enjoy!

Zack's POV

I couldn't wait, Y/N, my baby cousin was coming to visit. Even just thinking about her coming made me smile. She has this great boyfriend, and great family and a great future ahead of her. I'm so proud of her. Though she's not a baby anymore. She's already 20 years old. Damn, I'm getting old.

The guys and I were going to pick her up from the airport. "I can't wait to see the little munchkin!" Jack was so excited, he hasn't stopped talking about it the whole car drive. Rian was sitting up front while I was driving.

Alex put his arm on Jack. "Dude, calm down. I know you haven't seen her since we've all seen her, but calm down."

Jack looked over at Alex with mock-hurt on his face. "She's more important to me than you guys though!"

I cleared my throat.

"Oh right," Jack said. "And Zack."

"That's what I thought." I said. Everyone laughed.

We finally made it to the airport, and Jack and I basically ran past everyone to try and get to her first. We finally got to her gate and waited.


I was nervous getting on the plane. My boyfriend, Noah, always gets super sad whenever I leave him there. But we just couldn't afford to bring us both all the way out here. I was used to him being sad, though, he always was like this. Ever since we got together, he had always felt like I was going to leave him for someone else. Every day he reminded me that I was his last, that he was nothing without me, and he meant it. I was weary of him being alone, but since we had been living together for quite some time, I figured he'd be okay.

He wanted me to call him or text him as soon as I had landed, so when we landed, the very first thing I did was take my phone off airplane mode, and texted him saying; Hey babe, I landed, hope you're doing okay <3

When I got through the gate I was too busy looking at my phone that I didn't see the person I ran into. "Ouch, I'm sorry about that," I apologized.

"No worries," a man said to me. I knew that voice.

"Jack?" I asked.

"What?" He was so damn tall that he didn't know who I was without looking down at me. And he hadn't.

"Jack it's me."

"Who?" He finally looked down at me, and studied me. "Oh my god, Y/N?!"

I smiled. "Yeah, it's me."

"I'm so glad you're here!" He started jumping up and down. "Guys! Guys! I found her!"

Zack came over to me. "Man, fuck you, I wanted to be the one to find her!"

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