Nipple Piercing

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Can you write me one where Y/N gets her nipples pierced and Jack things they're just so sexy and he loves them so much

AN Dude okay I got Future Hearts and I've been so close to crying this band is everything to me and I'm so glad that you guys are here to share my love for these four idiots. You guys are seriously so cool and each one of you deserve to meet them at least once in your lifetime. I love you guys thanks for being wonderful. Now enjoy this lighthearted imagine! I added smut in here because I thought it' be fun, but if you don't want it, just tell me and I'll take it out. Thanks guys, I love you xx

Warning: smut

Your POV

"Y/N, you ready?" my friend called out to me. We were going to go out since my boyfriend was in New York for the time being. Jack had some band stuff to play.

"I'm ready," I came out. I was ready for some girl fun. We always got pretty fucked up together. I was ready for this challenge.

"Onward we go!" We went out and got to the bar. There wasn't a whole lot of people there considering it was Thursday. My friend and I didn't really mind, actually it was better this way since we didn't have to be on guard as much.

After hours of dancing, we were pretty tipsy, and I had drunkenly texted Jack. Whenever I got this way, I always texted him. It didn't even matter whether or not he was with me, I just always texted him.

We weren't ready to go home yet, and my friend had really wanted a tattoo, and we thought that today was a perfect day for a tattoo. She didn't want to be alone with her badass new tattoo, so I agreed to get something done too in my drunken state. I didn't remember until I actually woke up the next morning when Jack was suppose to come back.

I woke up in my bed, my friend was gone and my head started thumping. I groaned and got out of bed. Surprisingly I wasn't wearing a shirt, I almost always wore a shirt. I stumble into the bathroom, and took off my bra to get into the shower. I felt something cold and metal and glanced down at my boobs.

I swear to god I screamed as loud as my lungs would let me. Holy fuck, when did I get those? My nipples were pierced with hoops through them. Oh my god, Jack's gonna kill me.

Speak of the devil, I heard his voice through the house. "Y/N!" He called. "Are you okay?"

I quickly put my bra back on and grabbed the nearest shirt I could find. He came running upstairs, so I guess he heard my scream. He barged through the door, and even though I was expecting it, I jumped a little.

"Jesus, Y/N, you okay?" He was out of breath by the time he reached me.

"I'm okay, I think," I told him. I held my head in my hands, it still hurt like hell. I held my boobs closer to my chest, now feeling self-conscious.

"Were you about to take a shower?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Was being the key word."

He glanced my body up and down, and took a step towards me, while biting his lip. "I've missed you so much," he whispered in my hair as he hugged me.

"I missed you too," I mumbled into his chest. He was gone like three days, but it always felt like an eternity whenever I was without him.

As he hugged me, he kissed the top of my head, stroking my cheek. He looked down at me, and gazed into my eyes. They flicked down to my lips, and he leaned in. I kissed back instantly, and his hands wandered to my ass to grab it. I smiled into the kiss, and ran my hands through his hair.

It was soft to the touch and I missed the feeling between my fingers. I moaned slightly and he laughed quietly. His hands came back up to wander under my shirt. I smiled, but it quickly faded when I remembered what I had done last night.

"Wait-" I pulled away from him. As much as I wanted Jack as close to me as he could possibly get, I didn't know how he would take the whole piercing thing.

"What, Y/N?" He looked hurt, and I immediately felt badly for pulling away.

"I have to show you something." He nodded in response, and I proceeded to lift up my shirt.

He started giggling his cute little laugh, and I looked up at him confused. "I've seen your boobs plenty times before," he reminded me.

"No, you don't understand." I didn't speak more, just unclasped my bra, to show him what I had done.

His mouth fell a little in surprise and I looked away, embarrassed. He giggled and came closer to me with outstretched hands. "That's what you were worried about?" He pulled me closer and held my body against his. His eyes were fixed on my nipples, and a blush creeped up to my cheeks. I've been naked in front of him before, but I feel rather exposed with him staring so intently at my boobs.

I slowly nodded as his arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Nothing to worry about, Y/N. It's sexy as hell." Before I could respond, he kissed me, and deepened it immediately. I was glad he was okay with it, and smiled to myself. He pushed me against the counter. He lifted me up on it, I was in just panties, and while he was kissing me, he slid them off. He tore off his shirt rather fast, not wanting our lips to be far apart for very long.

His tongue was exploring my mouth, as mine was his, and his hands came up to my boobs. He played with the hoop between his fingers, and even though I just got it done, and it was pretty sore, I didn't care at all.

He brought his other hand around my bare waist and pulled me closer to his pants. He threw off his pants while his tongue was still in my mouth. He kicked off his boxers, and we were just naked in front of each other, making out, while I was still on the counter. I had planned on taking a shower, but we were both super into it right now.

His fingers wandered down, and slid into me, to make sure I was wet enough. I was basically dripping, so he scooted me to the end of the counter. He was tall enough so that his hips reached the top of the counter, and was able to slide inside me. He did, and pumped in and out, rather fast, even at first. He kept going, and my hands were all around him. His hands kept wandering to my boobs, playing with the rings.

I guess he really did like them. "I'm so close," he whispered in my hair and I nodded in agreement. My hands were making red marks on his back in pleasure, and we both let go together.

He pulled out, and let me get down from the counter. I flipped my hair around and grinned at him as he gave me a quick kiss, almost out of breath.

"Can we take a shower now?" I asked him.

He grinned in response, and turned on the water. I assume we're going in for round two.

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