Sadly Sick

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Can you please write one where you're dating jack and you're on your period and it's really bad so he takes care of you and holds your hair back when you vomit and cuddles with you ?

AN Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I'm glad people enjoy reading what I write. I appreciate every single one of you. Thank you so much. The conversation is you inviting Jack over.

Okay, and a note on wattpad, there might be a delay in updating because even though I'm keeping up with my schedule, some people have requested Zack Merrick ones. I'm thinking of making a separate story thing for them if it gets enough asks and requests. Just letting you know! Okay enjoy~

Your POV

I asked Jack if he could come over today, since I wasn't feeling well and I wanted company. He, of course, agreed, and so here we were on my couch. I was lying down on my stomach unable to move because being a woman sucked, and he was sitting patiently next to me.

"How're you holding up, babe?" he asked me.

"Peachy fuckin keen," I responded.

"You'll be okay, Y/N." He kissed my hair and rubbed my back.

The television was on and we were watching god knows what. I had absolutely no idea what we were watching, but he seemed to be enjoying it. I felt another pain in my lower stomach and curled my knees up to my chest. But that didn't help. No matter what I did, the pain wouldn't go away.

"Jack, I need ice cream," I told him, almost in tears.

"You're going to get ice cream," he stated and headed towards the kitchen. I didn't know what it was about my goddamn period that made it hurt so badly, and frankly, I didn't really want to know. All I wanted was to be held, ice cream, and to die faster.

Jack came in with a bowl of vanilla ice cream and placed it down next to me. "I'd feed you with a spoon, but I don't think you'd like that," he laughed.

"It's my stomach that hurts, not my arm," I told him. "I can do it just fine." As I grabbed a spoonful of ice cream my stomach tightened again and I dropped what I was holding. Jack had a sad, sympathetic look on his face when he glanced up at me. He cleaned up what I had spilled and sat on the floor next to my head.

"Now you don't get a say in the matter. I'm feeding you with this spoon." He took a different spoon now and brought it up to my mouth. I was feeling stubborn and didn't want to open my mouth. "Y/N, open."

I shook my head.

"Do it, or I'll tickle you."

I opened my mouth reluctantly and he put the spoon in my mouth. I swallowed, and he smiled at me. "Good," he sighed. When we finished, he put the dish away and sat back down to where he was.

Partly because I was in pain, and partly because Jack was too beautiful not to look at, I hardly watched the TV at all. I was distracted. But I turned my attention towards my body when I could feel the ice cream I ate crawl back up my esophagus.

"Fuck, Jack, I think I'm going to throw up," I mumbled and ran to the bathroom. I puked in the toilet, but my hair fell in the way. I groaned at the sight.

"Oh no, Y/N, are you okay?" I heard Jack call from behind the door. I was too afraid that more would come back if I responded, so I just remained quiet. He came in anyway, concerned for my well being. When he saw me clutching the bowl, he immediately went down to his knees to rub my back.

After a while, he stood back up, grabbed a towel and brought it over to me. He wiped my face and brushed my hair back with his fingers. I smiled lightly at him, but I felt more coming on and faced the bowl again. He grabbed my hair in his hand and held it back for me. I absolutely hate being a woman.

After I felt I was done, I breathed out in exhaustion and leaned on the wall for a bit. "I feel so gross," I whined.

Jack didn't say anything, just stood up and stuck out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "You should take a warm shower," he whispered to me, as if speaking any louder would make me feel more pain than I already do.

"Only if you take one with me." He nodded and let me hold onto him as he turned on the water. He tested it so that it wouldn't scald, but was warm enough to be relaxing. After accepting the temperature, he turned on the shower head. He took off his shirt, and I admired his tattoo, a little too long, because he turned around to look at me. He gave me a smile that sent shivers down my spine. He tugged on my shirt as a symbol telling me that he wanted it off. I tossed off my shirt, and he undid his pants.

I didn't really know what to do. I don't usually take a shower with him when I was on my period. But I guessed I'd do what I did when I was alone.

His pants were down, and he was left in his boxers, and my pants were still on. Suddenly I got shy. "Don't look at me," I whispered to him.

"It's not anything I haven't seen before."

"Yeah, but it's a lot messier right now."

He smirked. "Okay, I'll get in the shower, and wait for you to join me when you're ready."

"Okay." He took off his boxers, and even though I was in pain, I still really wanted to have sex with him in that shower. But I knew I'd end up keeling over and it wouldn't be fun for either of us.

When he was in the shower, he closed the door so I didn't have to watch him watch me undress. I took off my pants and my bra. Once it came to me underwear, I stripped it off fast and jumped in the shower. The water immediately felt better, and I smiled.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" he whispered to me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"No, not too bad."

"Good." He held me there for a bit, and my pain was slowly easing off. I knew it wasn't the end but at least it had stopped for now. I turned around to face him, stood up on my toes to kiss him. He tightened his grip around me, and I ran my fingers through his hair.

We stood there in the shower making out, not going any further than that, until I started to hurt again. I stopped kissing him, and held my lower abdomen.

"You wanna go lie down?"

I nodded and he stepped out of the shower and let me stand there for awhile. When he came back, he was in a towel, and was holding one for me too as well as a new change of clothes.

"If you want to, I can wait out here until you're done," he called out to me.

"Okay," I agreed and he stepped in to leave my things and walked back out to wait. I turned off the water and stepped out. I got changed and opened the door to see him sitting against the wall waiting for me.

"Hey," he smiled up at me. I smiled back, and he stood up to help me up the stairs. When I didn't want to go any further because it hurt too much, he picked me up bridal style, and carried me to my room. He layed me down on the bed as he went to put in my favorite movie in. I just lied there not moving, because if I made any movements, I'd probably end up being stuck in that position.

He came back to the bed, and helped me in the covers. When I was settled in, he climbed in on the other side and pulled the blankets over himself. He propped himself up with my pillows and pulled me close to him so that I was laying on his chest, facing the TV. His arms were warm, and my stomach started to feel better the closer I got to him. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his shoulder and closed my eyes as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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