Meet and Greet

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Can you do one where you meet them at a m&g &get each ot them to draw/write something so you can get it tattooed later that day&jack asks if he can go with you cos he wants another one&he holds ur hand(it's your 1st one)then he asks you out? :)

AN I honestly have no idea how a meet and greet goes so I'm just gonna go off the signing like atmosphere they have at Warped, cuz that's the only thing I've been to like that. Oh god post-concert depression, help me. It happened a year ago and here I am. Conversation is between you and Jack, and I'm hoping you guys love this one as much as I loved writing it. I am super grateful for all the support you have given me, and I want to give you all the biggest hug ever. But Jack Barakat will have to do. Enjoy guys xx

Your POV

It was my first time going to a meet and greet. I honestly had no idea what to expect. I knew that my favorite band was going to be there, I knew we could bring things to sign, I knew that people met people. I didn't know what to do or how long I could talk to them. I didn't know shit.

All Time Low are my favorite band. They have been for a long time. Finally getting to go to a meet and greet was a dream come true. I was so fucking excited.

Missing You from their newest album was a song that really spoke to me, because I knew that Alex wrote it for the fans that needed it. He knew that a lot of us are going through tough times, I'm almost positive he wrote it for us. Because of that, I wanted my first tattoo to be the words "don't lose your fight," but have each member of the band write a different word.

The meet and greet was in three hours, and I wanted to get there early, I wanted to be near the front of the line, so I started to get ready then. I took a shower, and put on acid wash mid thigh length shorts with an All Time Low tee. Fitting, seeing as I'm going to their thing. Thankfully the show is tomorrow, so I'll be seeing them again.

Seeing them in person is going to be weird though because even though I've been to shows, I haven't really met them in person or like really acknowledged them as real people. I've been kind of thinking of them like idols and pictures, almost as if they're not real. I know they're real, and I'm going to find out really soon exactly what is and isn't fantasy.

Getting ready for the greet, I was a real mess because ever since I could remember I've had a thing for Jack Barakat. Who doesn't have a thing for Jack? But I couldn't ever get enough of him, so the thing that was worrying me the most is will I somehow either disappoint him or make him hate me? I don't want to bother anyone and I don't want to be a nuisance, but I don't want to be cast off as any sort of fangirl and have that be the only way they'll ever think of me. I want to be a friend, I want to be someone they can talk to.

Either way, I'm going, so I push my anxieties to the side, and head off to the meet and greet. I drove there and had about two hours to spare. All Time Low fans are crazy so I wasn't first, but I was near the front. I was okay with not being so upfront, because I was thinking they might just breeze past you. But if you're in the middle then you're in the middle of everything and they're just starting to feel the feel of the people.

The meet and greet started, and the line was moving slowly due to all the people giving their things to the guys. I saw some high five and shake hands across the table. I wanted desperately to hug them, but they were at a table so I don't know if I can or not. My heart rate started to beat faster as I came closer. These were actual real people. I'm not watching them through a computer screen or looking at photos on my phone. I'm seeing them.

When my turn finally came, Alex was first. I had a blank piece of paper in my hand, and I was so nervous, I couldn't really find my voice to speak.

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