Scary Movies and Late Nights

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I have an idea for a Jack imagine where you guys watch a scary movie but you didn't tell him you hated those, so when you go to bed, you started to do nightmares and when you tell him your fears he comforts you feeling a little guilty. Btw I love you Jack's imagines! :)

AN Requested by wattpad user: zackys_babe . I've gotten this kind of request before, but it was a long ass time ago, so I'm gonna basically make this horror movie jack imagine 2.0 (actually the one before had Jack scaring the girl and not realizing but yeah I feel) also I haven't done a fake text convo in a while, so here we are! I hope you guys enjoy it, I love you xx

Jack's POV

Y/N was coming over tonight to watch movies, and I still didn't know what to do or what to watch. It had been a while since it was just the two of us. I hadn't been home a lot, and she hadn't really ever had the time, and whenever we did have the time, Alex scheduled some weird thing for us to do. Seeing my girlfriend shouldn't be such a chore.

I was lying on the couch, trying to think of anything I could come up with, but all I could think of was horror movies. We hadn't even seen one together, so I had no idea what to expect. I waited and waited for her to arrive, and when she finally did, it was a relief.

The bell rang, and my head snapped up from its focused position, staring at the floor. I basically ran to the door, eager to meet her. I opened it, and there she stood before me. She was drenched from head to toe, and it had just stopped raining, so it didn't make much sense. "Uh," I uttered.

"Let me in, Jack, I'm fucking freezing." I stepped aside and let her pass.

"What happened?" I asked, closing the door.

"As I was stepping out of my car, some asshole thought it'd be a great idea to splash me with the puddle of water I was just by. I had managed to get here all in one piece, and then that happens."

"I'm sorry babe," I frowned, opening my arms for a hug.

She took a step back, and my chest heaved a little. I missed her so goddamn much, and it's like she doesn't even want to touch me. "Sorry, Jack, I don't want to get you wet."

"I think I should be the one who should be worried about that."

"Jack!" she yelped, hitting my arm and letting out a short laugh. "Don't say things like that. I'm going to go change."

"You don't have anything to change into!" I yelled back at her.

"I've got your clothes don't I?" I shrugged my shoulders and let her go to wherever she had already set her mind on going. I moved to the television, looking for the proper movie to watch. It was weird, trying to decide everything. She never really wanted to decide, yet everything I've brought up, she declines. I decided on a horror movie to get us cuddling.

She came back wearing one of my shirts and a pair of basketball shorts I had that I never used for basketball. She plopped right next to me, taking a handful of popcorn that I had just recently made. "Whatah weh watchen?" she asked me, with her mouth full.

Luckily for her, I was fluent in the ways of talking with your mouthful. "It's called Insidious, have you heard of it?"

"Of course I've heard of it, I've been through most of my life without having to see it, and I've done a pretty good job, do we have to watch it?" The popcorn was swallowed, so we were able to talk freely.

"I thought you wanted to spend time with me." I stuck out my bottom lip for effect.

She sighed, but gave in. "Alright, but you have to protect me."

I grinned. "Deal."

About a half an hour into the movie, she was under the blanket every five minutes, nervous for the jump scares. It was cute how scared she was, and I put her protectively in my arms. "You're okay, Y/N," I reassured. "I've got you."

By the end of it, she had completely regained her trust of the movie, positive that the worst was over, and then the cliffhanger happened. "Oh fuck me," she groaned as she hid into my chest once again.

"What's up, Y/N, it's just a movie. Don't worry about it okay?"

"How can I not, Jack? After that cliffhanger? I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight!"

"You're overreacting, babe. Don't worry, I'll be here the whole night."

"You just know that if we ever get haunted, I'm going to be the one going first."

"Relax, love. you're fine. Let's go to bed, yeah?"

She sighed, but gave in, and I followed her up to my bedroom. As I was walking behind her, I saw her ass in front of me. Letting a small smirk escape my lips, I slapped it. Not hard, but not lightly either.

"Jack!" she squealed, laughing a bit. We made it to my room, and she flopped on my bed. "I'm exhausted," she breathed out.

I climbed over her, smiling, hovering myself over her. "Jack what're you doing?" I kissed her lips, and she kissed back, immediately deepening the kiss. I started to further things, but she gently pushed against my chest. "Not tonight, Jacky, I'm really tired."

"But I miss you," I pouted, staring at her, giving her my best impression of a puppy.

"Sucks," she muttered as she climbed under the covers. I pouted, but accepted her declining, and made my way under the blankets as well. As my arm rested on her waist, she scooted closer to me, not helping my boner, but I tried my best to ignore it.

We both fell asleep in that position, cuddling, and hugging. It wasn't until I was woken up by her sudden stirring and slight murmurs that we ever switched positions. I sat up, confused, and tried to wake her. She was holding the pillow tightly to her chest. "No," she whispered. "Not him, take me instead. No. No! NO!" I managed to get her up at her last scream.

"Y/N, wake up baby, you were having a nightmare," I got her to wake up, and held her close to me. She was disoriented, but collapsed in my arms. Tears were streaming from her face, and I could feel her heart beating harder than ever. "Hey, sh, it's okay, hun."

"Jack," she whispered through her sobs. I held her tightly and lightly stroked her arms and back, making sure she felt safe.

"What happened, babe? What were you dreaming about?"

"It was the movie," she choked out. "The demon."

"Oh, love. I'm so sorry," I hugged her tightly again, making sure that she knew that I was there to protect her.

"W-why're you so-sorry?"

"Because I made you watch that, I'm so sorry, I didn't know that you'd react this strongly."

"I haven't seen a scary movie since I was 11."

I held her tighter, until she cried herself back to sleep. I didn't fall asleep though. It felt weird to me, that I accidentally made my baby girl so scared. I held her until I was sure she was okay, and even then I held her longer. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew her face was back to smiling, and she was struggling to wake me up. She wasn't successful until she kissed me on the lips. "Wake up Jacky, I'm not so tired anymore." I grinned at her proposition, and even after just waking up, I was excited to be so close with her.   

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